OLIVIA LYNN PHILLIPS-BRONWYN (love of his life, queen of his heart) ∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Rooney could not put into words how wonderful it still felt to have this lovely Gryffindor on his arm now and forevermore, but he tried impossibly to convey it with every look he shot her way. With another kiss to the top of her head, Roo gave Liv a gentle nudge to sit back down as they awaited all of the students to finish their turn at taking flight with Ash. "Wasn't that wonderful? Did you find it wonderful? I loved it. So, SO much." Actually, he was still so high in cloud nine that he hadn't touched his Head Boy badge since before they had spoken with Stasya and Emmeline, and typically he did that every three or four minutes to remind himself that it was there and this dream was real.
Another dream that was real was right in front of him, too. Oh, Olivia.
The Ravenclaw's smile widened as Professor Wayland spoke, his eyes lighting up and he was visibly excited for what was being said. CREATURES. Baby creatures! And by the end of the year, he would be able to ADOPT his one. And take it with him. Oh wow oh wow wasn't that just...SO lovely? Rooney was probably going to cry about all of this later if he got overwhelmed with the kindness of this new Professor, but Liv was talking to him and she needed his undivided attention. He grinned. "Well, a crup or kneazle would work well for university, you know? But.... raising an Augurey sounds....wow.... wow!" As evident, Roo was completely still in shock about everything happening...and he may have still been looking around for the Phoenix to jus stare and be in AWE again.
How. Magnificent. "What about you? We should give them paired names, whatever we choose. They'll be living together one day either way."
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