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Old 05-15-2017, 08:19 PM   #15 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post
That looonnnngggggg walk from the towers down to the grounds had already done Matt a load of good. One of the perks of being a Gryffindor and living all the way up there. BUT Matt was still up to... to be honest, he didn't know. He wanted to do SOMETHING because 1- he had had enough of his Common Room for that day and 2- that girl had just done his head in again, nothing new there and it was about time he got rid of all that silliness.

He found himself by the Whomping Willow. "How fitting." He said to himself, somewhat amused at his random walk choice. He did notice a housemate of his already around the tree, and by the way she was looking at it, it was clear she was up to no good.

Matt wanted in.

"What'chu up to, Gen?" The boy called out as he approached the tree from the other side.
Genny didn't realize Matt was approaching, he was still too far off when he called out, her vigilance training had not prepared her to feel people at THAT distance. "Shhhhhh! Quiet down!" She urged Matt, with the appropriate hand gestures and everything.

As soon as he was within an appropriate earshot, she continued with a smirk. "Well, there's a shrieking shack underneath, right? All we have to do is find the knot and we'll be invited warmly." Sounded easier than it actually was. There was still the matter of approaching the tree without setting it off and throwing them outside of Hogwarts ground to their deaths...

... sounded fun, right??
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