Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door Daisy Carden was actually waiting, foot tapping and arms crossed, in a display that simply proved that Gryffindors weren't the only ones capable of being delusional. And yet she felt like she was owned some kind of apology, some kind of sign that actually, Matt was capable of being sensible.
She should have known better, really.
Right now, all her strength was being used on keeping herself from slapping Matt's fake surprise off his face. It was a struggle. But she found herself nodding at him, slowly, as a smile stretched across her lips, almost cruelly. "You flatter yourself. A Gryffindor you might be, but don't think I'm here for you." She wouldn't walk up all those stairs for him, or for anyone else, really. Except for a select few. One. One of those. Play that game. A snort was audible across the corridor and this time she did reach forward to swat his hand away. "How dare you?" Point his finger at her like that and accuse her of those things. "Are you that insane? That out of touch with reality, Solo?" Everything he was saying was technically true, and she knew that, but he was missing a very important part of the equation. HER side. HER feelings. It wasn't surprising to her, not really; who walked out in a huff simply because they got told kissing was a mistake? And who thought that one date, one date they had spent laughing over a rubber chicken, was reason enough to call someone their girlfriend?? And who, at fifteen, named themselves after a fictional character? "I went on that date to figure out how I felt! You never even gave me a chance!!" No. The next time she had seen him he decided to plant a kiss on her and get upset and offended and sulky over the fact that she had not wanted to kiss him. Good thing that kiss had been washed off long ago, now.
Her arms left her sides and she threw them in the air in exasperation. "You should've asked. Asked to kiss me, asked if I wanted to be your friend, asked what that date meant to me." Because in all honesty? All it had meant was that Matt could be funny and make her laugh. That's all. Maybe she should've been more honest but, at the time, she didn't have the tools to understand what was happening. Hm. Maybe she needed to thank Matt, actually, because now she definitely had those same tools.
Hah. "But since you're talking about honesty, how about this?" She took one step closer to him, because possibly, Matt would only understand what she was trying to say if she said it right next to his face. Or screamed it. Or hit him in the head. Something like that. "You should've told me what you wanted. "Hey, Daisy. I don't want to be your friend, I just want to kiss you. I don't care about what you have to say, yeah?" She finished that in a very bad, very shrill imitation of his voice.
But Matt truly was a riot.
Again, the smile. "You're awfully angry for someone who is over it, Meriwether." She didn't even know why she was persisting with the conversation, if she was being completely honest. This summer had proved to her that yes, you could kiss someone, and then tell them you didn't want to do it anymore and a friendship could remain. Clearly, her taste had improved since last year. "I might've started it, but you're still here. Talking. Sounding awfully mad." Dramatically, she moved her hands and directed him towards the end of the corridor.
Yeah. He could go because she was not moving. |