DMAC & MO Doxy
Join Date: Sep 2010 Location: Sweden [GMT+1]
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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Stella Marie Reed Daily Prophet News Reporter | a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means Text Cut: Individual replies <3 Text Cut: Olivia P Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Resting her hands in her lap, because she very much liked the Groundskeeper and having a go at him, Liv beamed at the raised brow. SAME TEAM, MR. BALDVINSSON! And she 100% agreed that nothing was too dangerous that couldn't be tweaked. Besides, one of her mother's biggest gripes was how the Ministry regulated everything. ALSO, it was puzzling how they pushed to make quidditch work, but hadn't afforded the same honor to other sports. She supposed from a public standpoint, quidditch was simply more marketable. Better PR. Good for their economy and everything...on an international level? Money, money, money... "As I was saying before, they could probably use a charm to make the rocks softer, or perhaps even use a different object other than rocks." Rocks to the head... sounded like a lawsuit waiting to happen, to be quite honest. To her, it didn't even sound that entertaining. Maybe they could catch rubber balls? Snowflakes? Bird poop? All of those things sounded leagues more hilarious. "....and maybe something besides a hunk of metal on top of the head could be used. If I hadn't put a feather-light charm on this cauldron, my neck would be seriously strained." Strained and in pain.
Eh, she wasn't a Ravenclaw... Go ahead, Rooney. This was all you. Haraldur nodded. "Yes. Ouch, neck problems." Eesh. "A feather-light charm is a wonderful suggestion,
Miss Phillips. One that is worth remembering if we were to renew the game." It was actually the charm Haraldur had chosen to use. Great minds think alike. Text Cut: Jessa Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo This was the sort of question that got the Ravenclaw's brain working at hyper speed. It was possibly no secret that the young girl liked to pull things a part, not only to see how they worked but also to see how they could. In this case, they'd already done the deconstructing leaving the process of building it back up in such a way that it was no longer in the same predicament as before. hypothesizing. Merlin knew the girl spent hours on that when she could.
The thing was, the world was full of infinite possibilities and Jessa was one of those believers in their being more than one way to skin a kneazle. Take creaothceann for instance. There had to be a way of changing it while preserving the things that made the game enjoyable.
No one liked watered down sports. They were plain disappointing, rules and new procedures however could sometimes be welcomed. "I think Olivia's on to something with the featherlight charm on the cauldron, Sir. It would allow for more agile movement on the pitch and I reckon it could even reduce collisions." Because surely balancing something like a cauldron--especially one filled with large rocks--would throw out anyone's balance while flying at top speed. Jessa found it hard to believe that injuries came solely from the falling of the rocks on metal above your head. "But instead of making the rocks softer necessarily or changing rocks to something else, why not place a cushioning charm on the inside of the cauldron? The rocks certainly wouldn't go crashing into it as hard and it could prevent half the concussions I imagine must happen during play." "YES, Miss Cambride. YES. I like the way you think." Haraldur couldn't hide his excitement when an answer like this was put forward. The injuries weren't solely from the weight of the cauldron or the impact of the rocks. Balance in flying was key,
and with a cauldron filled with rocks you were bound to lose it. Collisions and simply falling off the broom wasn't uncommon in creaothceann. Something the instructor would like to avoid in class... "A cushioning charm is a very interesting suggestion.." He mused as he hovered around on his broom in front of the group of students. "It would certainly reduce the injuries from the rocks hitting the inside of the cauldron. But not if the rocks hit the flyer." Unless the flyer was a very skilled creaothceann player and caught all the rocks. "You'd have to place the cushioning charms on the rocks then maybe..." He was thinking out loud before remembering he was supposed to actually move the lesson forward. Haraldur gave her a nod. "Very interesting suggestion indeed, Miss Cambridge." Text Cut: Abey Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir SPOILER!!: catching uuuuuup Abey had made mega easy work of the hoops actually, and in fact he quite liked the warm up. Practicing agility was one of his favourite things to do; all the sharp turns and sudden stops or dives or feints. It was fun!
Grabbing the cauldron and then carrying it back had been a little less fun. Abey, though he would have denied to to anyone and everyone, was, essentially, a weakling. He didn't have big Beater's muscles like Hassan did (which made sense as Hassan WAS a Beater, AND a boxer), instead Abey was cursed blessed with long, noodle-y limbs with no real muscle to them. So, while at first holding onto the cauldron felt doable, by the time Abey was halfway back, his carrying arm had begun to ache and cramp. "Owwwwwwww," he had complained, before putting on a BURST OF SPEED so he could reach the starting point again, land, and finally put down the cauldron.
But all done now!
Now they were back on the ground, though, Abey was having trouble staying focused again. He rubbed at his arms and half listened to what was going on, but otherwise found his attention wandering to the goal hoops and the stands around the pitch, and he was having ALL THE FANTASIES about playing Quidditch and being in the starting team (AKA #THEDREAM) and Seeking that snitch!
Not that he would have had much to contribute to the discussion anyway. Abey was a QUIDKID, not a CreaothceannChild; he wouldn't have known anything about anything to do with any other broom sports, because there was no reason for him to know about them.
Abey's attention did EVENTUALLY return to the class happening in front of and all around him, so that his MIND was as present as his BODY. Still massaging his arms, one at a time, he blinked around at everyone gathered around, suddenly realising that once again (why did this keep happening in his classes?) he had missed some vital class discussion and had not the slightest clue what anyone was talking about.
Something about danger? How to make things safer? Uhhhh... was there a not-stupid answer that Abey could give that might apply to LOADS of things? Make it more likely to have a right answer.
He could have just stayed quiet, but what if then he got called out for not paying attention OR participating? Quick, just... guess! "Uhhhhm... cushioning charms?" Abey piped up, forgetting about that hand-raising thing again and actually having never got into the habit of it in the first place. But yes, cushioning charms... surely they made EVERYTHING safer ALL THE TIME. "In case you... fall?"
Jessa and Liv were talking about rocks and cauldrons and heads, and just having listened to them made Abey go just a bit wide-eyed, whether out of fear or intrigue he was not exactly certain. "Very good Mr. Botros." Haraldur nodded. "There's actually a cushioning charm in place right now, to reduce injuries if one were to lose their balance. So very good indeed Mr. Botros." This was standard in class though, no matter the lesson. If he had students flying around up in the air then he would have a cushioning charm on the ground. No broken legs in his class. Well, not a lot at least. Text Cut: Kyle Quote:
Originally Posted by Zellanna Kyle raised his hand, thinking. "What about if we caught pebbles. They'd be harder to see and catch, but it wouldn't do much damage. Or if we caught little bean bags. And instead of a cauldron, we could use a basket." "To use pebbles is an interesting idea, Mr. Erikson."
Haraldur mused. "The fact that they're small and more difficult to see could be a way to make the game more difficult for the players... Interesting." He didn't have a beard to stroke the same time as he was thinking out loud, but if he had that's what he would have done. "The thought of changing objects to catch the pebbles in is also intriguing. That way we wouldn't have to use the feather-light charm on the cauldrons.. Very good, Mr. Erikson." Text Cut: Zarina Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin Zarina shrugged when the Professor commented on her answer. Least she tried and gave her creative input. I mean Zae really thought it had to do with creatures. It would be fun though. She smirked at the thought and listened to Professor B's speech to the class. So now he wanted to know what could be done to improve this so called game of Creaothceann. Like Zae couldn't even pronounce that word. She could call it game C. Now onto the task at hand.
Zae saw that the game was played with cauldrons on their heads? Well that was plain difficult. Cauldrons were heavy. They also used rocks to throw at each other. Well that was ermm...ouch? Zae could just imagine it. She could imagine the pelting and bruising they encountered. Zae listened in on the class and their answers. One of them seemed to be the brainiac of the class. She pursed her lips and decided not to say anything. I mean they covered all the basics. "Personally instead of using rocks why don't we use like foam balls or like tennis balls or something..?" There was her muggle side coming out but hopefully someone knew what she was talking out. Haraldur blinked, watching the young girl for a moment. "Uhm, yes..." He didn't know what 'Tennis' was. He assumed it was a new slang word he hadn't heard before. He was getting old. Foam balls he got though! "I agree that we need to change the rocks to something else. Foam balls is an excellent suggestion. Except I don't have any foam balls... But they would really work in a game, I have to agree with that, Miss Carraro." Text Cut: Théodore Quote:
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok Théo was going to say like rubber or foam balls but it was already said and he was not that creative so he had nothing. The original game just sounded like death and Théo eyes went wide when he heard what they originally did because it was crazy insane. Rocks falling down on you and you just had a cauldron tied to your head.
It was dumb.
Maybe that was why it was outlawed.
Made sense to Théodore. Haraldur watched Mr. Montomorency fall silent this time around. The instructor glanced his way but decided only to hover past him as the discussion went on. They would soon be flying again... Text Cut: Tenacius Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen As a natural reflex the Gryffindor leaned back as the Flying Man literally zoomed in on his response. Still beaming though, because hey looks like he #NailedIt eh?
He listened to the others give their suggestions. Some are actually suggesting they avoid using rocks entirely "Oh but... that would take the fun outta that...." Sad face. Part of what made Creaothceann appealing for certain people was the risk of getting pummeled by a rock. Thats what made the game exciting. "Maybe we can still use rocks, but we have to regulate the size, weight, shape and material of the rocks? Also any magic thats applied to them should be regulated as well. Maybe they're magic'd to avoid the face, maybe they should fall only under a certain max velocity, maybe they're magic'd to not shatter on impact, maybe if they collide with a player's body, it wont be strong enough to break bones, just give a really good bruising." So far thats what he can think of right now.
Oh but Jessa also spoke about the caulderons "I agree with Jessa. Lets also regulate the magic applied to cauldrons. Also i think we can improve the design of the cauldrons themselves, how they're worn on players' heads. Maybe some magic can also be applied to them that in case they become a liability to the player's safety, they could maybe transform into something else? Or maybe fall off easily instead of taking the player down with it?" The Gryffindor prefect was definitely passionate about flying. And dangerous things, it seemed. But Haraldur could only agree with him. He didn't really want to change the cauldrons to something else. He didn't really want to change the rocks to something else. It took away the thrill. But there was only so much thrill a lesson for all age and skill levels at Hogwarts could take. However the suggestions on how to improve the rocks and the cauldrons impressed the flying instructor. "Very good, Mr. Salander." He got excited again. "I, like you, think we should first aim to keep as much as possible of the original sport. Keep the cauldrons and keep the rocks, but alter them to reduce injuries. I really like your suggestions." He would be writing those down after class, along with the other ideas from the students. Text Cut: Emmeline Quote:
Originally Posted by NifflerFan
After Emmeline mounted her broom, she and Stasya hovered together. Emmeline even managed to learn forward slightly and touch back down without semi-crashing for the first time ever! Clearly, this professor knew what he was doing. "Thanks for hovering with me, Stasya!"
She was kind of sad that almost everyone was getting off their brooms and sitting on the ground at this point. Hovering was nice and all, but were they going to do any real flying today? She hoped so.
Emmeline blinked in confusion as the professor asked them questions about some apparently ancient sport that started with a C. Rocks going into cauldrons on heads? On brooms?! Sounded pretty crazy-reckless to her, and she wasn't opposed to some recklessness in general. Her eyes widened the more she heard about this sport; were they going to actually do this C thing? Because it sounded barbaric!
It was true that her parents were forever complaining about how meddlesome the Ministry had become, but Emmeline thought that maybe they had a point on this. Haraldur took note of the quiet first year Miss Sparkes but didn't say anything. He just hoped the talk of people dying in the past hadn't put her off too much... Text Cut: Skylar Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Skylar was listening, but honestly, the speculations of improvements the fourth year had to admit would be rather feeble attempts to reinstate the game. The game had been illegal for over 300 years and well, Skylar was sure if changes could be made to the sport to make it allowed, surely they would have happened by now.
Because she hated to say this, but adding cushioning charms and featherlight charms, or changing the rocks to something smaller (pebbles still hurt at high speeds, she was sure!), well, the game wouldn't be Creaothceann any longer. Improvements made to the game to make it less dangerous would make it different sport, a different variation, and it wouldn't necessarily be the same thing. "Why don't we just use marshmallows instead of rocks?" Skylar suggested, somewhat sarcastically. Because seriously, if they were going to be changing it to tennis balls, just change the whole set up. It was no longer Creaothceann anymore anyway. Haraldur didn't get sarcasm. He didn't understand the concept of it. Saying one thing but meaning another? Nah.
So when Miss Diggory suggested marshmallows, he furrowed his brow. "That would be a waste of perfectly good marshmallows, wouldn't it Miss Diggory?" Unless they were catching them with their mouths... Text Cut: Derf Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Okay. OKAY...but Derf really just wanted to get back on HIS broom already and go. GO GO GO FLY FLY FLY NOW NOW NOW?
So, he really was only half paying attention to the groundskeeper, no offense meant, with his bright blues UPWARDS at the SKY that was calling to him. Could they maybe fly with owls sometime? Or any bird for that matter. ASH?! COULD THEY FLY WITH ASH?! You birds up close and personal while flying and learn some of their formations and mimic them on their brooms? SORT OF like what he, Abey, and Theo had just been doing?
Hugging his broom to himself, Derf shifted his weight between his two feet and waited not-so-patiently for this talk to end. Which naturally meant that his eyes were wandering EVERYWHERE to find something to distract he noticed Emmeline looking uncertain and did the natural thing of taking her hand in his for comfort. Because friends comforted friends, you know?
But THEN he heard something BRILLIANT said by the Slytherin girl who had GLARED at him all of last term in these lessons. "I REALLY REALLY LIKE HER IDEA!"
Could they do that? Please? His tummy was rumbling. Haraldur looked over at Mr. Ashburry-Hawthorne who seemed more excited about Miss Diggory's suggestion than she had. "Maybe we ought to try it in the great hall some time." He mused, imagining flying marshmallows between the house tables. Text Cut: Etta Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Etta flushed slightly when the groundskeeper gave her a look. Fine, fine. She cleared her throat and pretended that hadn't happened, instead focused on what he was talking about. Hmm. How to make it less dangerous? Interesting. She gave it some thought, listening to some of the other answers given. Marshmallows, though. That was rather cute but not practical. Also, such a waste of food. "Like a couple of others have mentioned, I think it would be better to soften the inside of a cauldron? Using a softening charm, maybe?" Since others had already mentioned the cushioning charm. "It would completely soften the inside of the cauldron, making it rather bouncy and soft and therefore.. the rocks would create no impact at all. It would be safe, yes?" Haraldur nodded in agreement. "This would be a safer way to play it, for sure Miss Kramer." He mused. Many great ideas were put forward indeed, but it was now time to move on... Haraldur was more than pleased with the answers and suggestions provided by the students. Most of them seemed to have the same mindset as him. Now all they had to do was convince the Headmistress about this. He wouldn't do it himself, this was a joint effort.
Yup. "That's a lot of great suggestions." He nodded, smiling at them. "I'm happy to hear you guys seem so open about this because we're going to try your suggestions. Well, some of them anyway." He pointed little finger guns at them, because he was cool, hip and down with the kids. "We're going to play creaothceann!" Surprise, wow, so unexpected what a twist of events. "But for that to be possible, we're going to change up some of the rules of the game."
For the second time that lesson, the instructor actually got off his broom. It wasn't often that he was actually walking around on foot, he wasn't comfortable on the ground. It was just so... Solid. But he did this in order to bring out his wand and aim it at the cauldrons, both the ones that some had brought back from across the pitch and the ones in the tall tower that Haraldur had provided before class started. "We could always use other objects to catch the rocks in, such as baskets or buckets but for the sake of authencity..." He flicked his wand. "I will place a feather-light charm on the cauldrons..." He did so and gave Miss Phillips a glance while he did so. Great minds and all that. "As for the objects we're catching..."
In the trunk next to the wobbly tower of cauldrons were small rubber balls that was earlier hidden by the now levitating hula hoops. Haraldur mounted his broom again in his usual comfortable position and glided over toward the trunk. "There are a lot of details to figure out when it comes to the objects were catching. Should we keep the rocks but enchant them, like Mr.
Salander suggested? Or should we just skip the idea of throwing rocks at each other and use something else?" He reached down and picked up one of the small rubber balls, which just happened to be of a red color. It was a coincidence. It had nothing to do with the fact that it was his favorite color. "I've decided to not throw rocks at you today." Because he cared about their soft heads. And because the board of governors would have him fired. Or something way worse... "We're going to use these neat little rubber balls instead. There are four colors; green, red, yellow and blue." Alert, this was not a coincidence. Another shocking reveal by Mr Baldvinsson. "Your task is to catch the balls with the color corresponding to your house. Catch the correct ones and you will gain points. Catch a ball that belongs to a different house, and you will lose points." He dropped the little red ball into the trunk again and clasped his hands over his chest. "It's been a while since the Hogwarts quidditch cup was a thing. Today you can play against each other in creaothceann." BEAM. "I'll be sending the balls towards you, so strap on your now not so heavy cauldron and get ready to play!"
As the students got ready and kicked off into the air, Haraldur grabbed the horn from around his neck, took a deep breath and blew it. Not even a moment after that, the balls of all four colors shot through the air. OOC: Yeeeeeeeeeee buddy. Let's play creaothceann! *wiggles*
Strap the cauldron to your head and catch the rubber balls that Haraldur fires off towards you. Only catch the ones with the color matching your house (green - Slytherin, red - Gryffindor, yellow - Hufflepuff, blue - Ravenclaw). + 5 points for the correct color.
- 5 points for the incorrect color.
You can never get any less than 0 points so no negatives!
My brain would appreciate if you guys labeled your posts with how many points you have. There is no minimum/maximum amount of posts required. Haraldur and I will be here the whole time!
If your character isn't ready to throw themselves into the game, the hula hoops are still in the air and serves as great practice!
You have approximately 58 hours to complete this task. Wednesday the 17th of May 7 pm GMT+2/1 pm EDT.
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