Mischievous Niffler
Her tenseness must have been plainer to see than she'd realized, because before she knew it Jessa was asking if she were okay. "I'm alright, don't worry," Kitty reassured Jessa a little distractedly, watching as several students from America made their way over to their table. She accepted the pumpkin juice. "Thank you Jessa. This is really quite exciting, isn't it?" Now that they were all in the Great Hall and everything was in order, she found herself becoming much calmer - replacing her anxiety with excitement.
The first American students reached their table right then. One of them (Manuela) even addressed her directly. "You're right, I'm the girl Ravenclaw prefect," said Kitty, rising to her feet in what she hoped was a graceful and prefect-like manner. She really wanted to impress the Americans. "Kitty DuGray Valentine," she said, offering her hand to the three of them and smiling in as gracious a way as she could smile. "Um, I don't keep track of that, but thankfully it happens few times. The only time I've ever been truly challenged in my authority was actually by another prefect." Last year, in fact. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I've read SO much about your school. I love how one of your founders was a Muggle. I have so much I'd like to ask you later." Because she didn't want to overwhelm their guests, that wouldn't be prefect-like. Nope, nope.
The next American student (Madelyn) had a very interesting American way of talking. Kitty stared at her pom poms and stuffed cow curiously before extending a hand to her. "It's nice to meet you Madelyn," she said, smiling at the girl. "I'm a big fan of your school, even though I've never seen it. By the way, did you know your headmistress used to be ours?" |