not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Olly had fallen into step with the group walking to the Great Hall from the grounds. He wondered where the Ilvermorny arrivals would sit. Was there going to be another table for them added into the Great Hall? If that was the case, space might be an issue. They would have to squeeze. The alternative, of course, would still involve a bit of squeezing. The new arrivals could just join in the regular house tables. And when they arrived at the Great Hall Olly saw they were going with the latter. The Ilvermorny gang was splitting up, choosing tables to sit at. Olly, of course, made his way to the Slytherin table. He was very interested to see who would be joining them there.
A few Ilvermorny students had already taken seats when Olly arrived. As prefect it was probably expected that he greet them, yes? Even as just a friendly person he would probably do it anyway. Olly selected a seat across from the pretty one (Kyle). "Hello," he said to the group who had gathered. "My name is Oliver. Uh, welcome to Hogwarts. And the Slytherin table. I'm a Slytherin, a sixth year, and one of our house's prefects." Man that sounded so...official. Olly smiled at the friendly one (Aurora). "Hi Aurora, nice to meet you." |