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"She usually does know best." In the end, one way or another his Mum was usually right about things. "Dad says he wants a rematch by the way." He'd almost forgotten the message his father wanted him to pass along. Professor Myers occasionally came over for dinner and cards. "I agree, education is important." Though he knew Alice wasn't one for fallback options, they'd talked about it once. "Private tutor for before and after the film." He had no idea of her plans for after that. "OWLs this term, yes.
I'm kind of excited about it." Which he knew was probably odd cause most students seemed to dread OWLs.
"Oh, Brilliant. Thank you!" He would gladly add another book to his reading list. He'd probably push it to the top of the list since it was a borrowed book. Then a moment later Myers was back! "Oh, i'm quite all right. Thank you, Professor." He didn't want Paul to go through the trouble of making him some tea.
"Your dad only wants a rematch because he lost. And I won fair and square!" he smirked.
"But I'll oblige...as soon as I have a chance. Possibly over the holidays, we'll see." Jack Lupin was not boring company; and Helena, too, was always so accommodating when he visited. Which was rare. "
Or perhaps he'll have to come by mine. Different stakes...different location..it'll be a completely different game." Unless Jack wanted the same exact conditions?
Alice would be okay. Paul knew it. She was a smart enough girl. And following her dream was...incredible. Many parents did now allow their kids to do so, and Paul...just...admired it all!
Paul nodded as he went to fetch the book. Oliver was excited about OWLs, then? Interesting. He made a quick cup of tea and came out holding two teacups despite Oliver telling him he didn't want any.
"Ah, here you are. And here is the book!" he smiled as he handed it over.
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Roo laughed, forgetting that Professor Myers was also of the out there kind until just then. "I'm sure you could have it not happen to you, Sir. If you tried hard enough." Or he could just set it up without all the light show if it was such a startling thing. Adjusting to get comfortable, the Ravenclaw just smiled as he watched his Professor do exactly the same. No shoes, huh? Interesting. But whatever worked for Myers. Personally, Rooney felt lost without shoes. A lack of formality. And formality was everything that he lived by.
With a raised eyebrow, Rooney combed his fingers through his hair and then brushed them over his Head Boy badge. It was still crazy to him that it sat on his chest. It had been a dream for well over ten years now and now...it was here. "I'm torn between Herbology and Charms, Sir. I thought about History of Magic, but I want to wait until I have history of my own to apply to my studies."
And as for the classes he was taking... "All of them, Sir."
...ALL OF THEM? Paul stared at him in disbelief. "
You can't be taking ALL of them..that's way too many! You'll run yourself ragged--Rooney Bronwyn!" he put a hand over his heart.
"I mean, I admire the ambition." But there weren't enough hours in the day!
"And you head boy! That is a large LARGE responsibility." Paul lowered his voice. "
Take what you need, or anything that inspires you. But don't take a subject for the sake of taking...all of them." Merlin. MERLIN.
And, "
You're torn between TAKING Herbology and Charms or going on to STUDY them?" he asked for clarification. He was still in shock Rooney wanted to try to take ALL THE SUBJECTS EVER.
And...also...still in shock that he was a seventh year and LEAVING Paul next term. Leaving Paul. PAUL.
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After hours of studying, realizing her mind wandered, and refocusing only to drift off again, Lucy decided to pay her Head of House a visit. Maybe he can help give her advice...or direction, even. Anything to ease the stress of OWL year.
With dark circles under her eyes, the fifth year knocked on Professor Myers' door.
The knock was received quickly, and Paul threw the door open almost immediately.
"Miss Potts! I was just heading out! Did you want to chat with me?" he asked with a smile. She was welcome to walk with him...or they could stay here. It didn't matter! Paul had no pressing matters.