The Ilvermorny students are HERE and boy oh boy is
The Pathways thread POPPING.
Originally Posted by
The Narrator
The humming grew louder and louder. Soon a blob of red could be seen, getting bigger and bigger with each second. Was it a bird? Was it a plane? Or was it --
A ruby red Volkswagen Beetle could clearly be seen flying over the Black Lake moments later. Its antennae moved briskly in the wind as its wings fluttered and made it swiftly move forward, the headlights of the vehicle opening and closing as if it were blinking. You catch yourself doing a double take.
Needless to say, the sight of the Beetle was an attention grabber. It wasn't every day a vehicle like this was seen. Within moments said mode of transportation flew over everyone's head and then landed on the grounds with a thud.
Only to reveal that no one was driving it.
However, before anyone had the time to solve that mystery, the Beetle's trunk suddenly opened...
OOC: If you have an Ilvermorny character posted in this thread, now is the time to post them! And AY YI YI. Welcome back to former Hogwarts Headmistress and Muggle Studies Professor, Meredith Moxley.
Originally Posted by
Hey Hogwarts!
Yes, Meredith Moxley had arrived in all her cheerful exuberance and she shined like the sun-quite literally due to her dress-as she very ungracefully climbed out of the beetle and lead the way to the Hogwarts Headmistress and co. Yes, she was like a mother duck leading her heard of ducklings to their possible doom on a new and exciting adventure. ”Remember what I said about sticking with your buddy, everyone! You’ll thank me for that later!” Her sing-song voice carried over the crowd as her kitten heels click-clack-cracked over the path. ”Just breathe that fresh air in! It’s good for the lungs!” The student nearest her received a rather hard-but loving-pat on the shoulder and she fully expected some deep breathing to take place in that moment. AND THAT SCENERY. Merlin, she’d missed it! Oh wait, this was a good moment to-”Selfie!” The brunette’s selfie stick (still a fan of muggle technology, you see) seemed to appear out of nowhere as it hovered above the group, her magical camera attached and the familiar click-click of pictures being snapped could be heard as she posed, big old Moxley grin in place. There, that was better. ”We’re making memories, people!”
It was nice to see that Hogwarts had continued the tradition of having beautiful, strong women on staff. In charge, even! She’d feared the line might end with her! Hehehe. ”Headmistress Hawthorne, thank you so much for hosting us!” The Moxinator offered her hand, her smile lighting up her whole face. ”It’s great to be back here and we can’t wait to get started.” She gestured to the group with her and nodded eagerly.
It was good to be home and was that….PAUL! PAUL IN A PONCHO. GOOD OLD PONCHO PAUL. Meredith waved excitedly, like a kid on the first day of school after not seeing her friends all summer. HI PAUL, HI!