(LADY MOXLEY, Hogwarts students that may have been knocked aside sorry sorry) ∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Rooney Bronwyn had been walking through the castle on his way back to his common room when he had SEEN it. He had SEEN IT HAPPEN. Throwing the textbooks he had been carrying to the floor, the Head Boy had ran the entire way down the stairs and out to the grounds as fast as he possibly could. In the time it had taken him, there was already a gathering of students -- which was confusing as to where they had come from, until he saw one get out of the car..? What on Earth? In all of his imaginative moments, thinking up of ways they would arrive...he had not considered this way at all. In that car? In the BUG? Really? Weren't they American..?
Did Moxley know that that was a let down? -- MOXLEY! Oh my!
The Ravenclaw barrelled his way through the Hogwarts students in the direction of the woman he had thought as his school mother for SO long. Meredith Moxley had been the one Professor to inspire him to continue being himself when he had doubted everything as a younger teen. "LADYYYYYYY MOXXXXXLEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" Came his voice before his body, but he practically threw himself at the visiting Professor and hugged her as tight as he possibly could. "I missed you, I missed you, I missed you so much! Can't you come BACK? I didn't aLMOST DIE when you were here!" Sorry Headmistress Hawthorne, but that really was still being held against you.
Wait, was he supposed to be setting an example? Hah, he was. His example was to HUG those who inspired you to be yourself. And to MISS those that left you. It was to LOVE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Headmistress Moxley had said to stick with their buddies and that was nothing short of how Ophelia lived her life. Her twin was her buddy every day and had been since birth. She, unlike those before her it seemed, found it pretty easy to get out of the Beetle. Maybe it was how she remembered how they'd gotten in so it wasn't that difficult to reverse it? AnyHOOOOOOOOOOO. Ophe was the first of the Robertser twins to get out of their transportation, joining the crowd of Ilvermorny students whilst she waited for her sister.
It was October 3rd, and she had now set foot in the UK. It was a kicker because today was her Aunts wedding in the UK and school had meant that Ophelia, Jessie and Radley hadn't been able to go. At least their parents had instructed Radley to stay behind at Ilvermorny because he was only a first year and didn't need to be globe trotting when he knew nothing about magic. "Why are they just staring at us..?"
Where was J.R????
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