04-21-2017, 11:24 PM
Hallway Maze  Once through the double glass doors that have the patio hangout on the other side, you might find yourself a little overwhelmed. From where you stand, a maze of hallways stretches out as far as the eye can see. Numerous intersections can be seen, and it appears that not a single sign or any inclination of where anything is has been given. It goes without saying that, if you are unsure of where to go, wander around until you find what you're looking for or simply ask someone -- another student or a professor. You'll soon get the hang of this place and know it like the back of your hand. Maybe.
The second intersection of hallways in the quickest way to the boys' and girls' sleeping quarters, which can be accessed after walking through a series of -- you guessed it -- more hallways. Just to the right of the seventh hallway is a large trampoline park, a definite favourite for all the parkour enthusiasts out there. Directly at the end of the main hallway, you will find a Pukwudige-ran coffeehouse that will satisfy all of your brewed drink needs and more.
Don't forget to say hello to the portraits on the walls, ranging from Seraphina Picquery to other notable Ilvermorny alumni.