Thread: Boys' Rooms
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Old 04-21-2017, 11:24 PM
Zoe Zoe is offline
Default Boys' Rooms

Turning to the left of the second hallway intersection and then wandering through a labyrinth of even more hallways will eventually take you to where the boys of Ilvermorny will be sleeping. A basic common area, signified by a series of leather sofas and a portrait of James Steward, is a clue that the rooms are not far away. Take a right and a long hallway of numbered rooms will appear, each sorted by year with the four Houses intermingled. The boys will have no problem getting here, whereas the girls will consistently find themselves where they started at the second hallway intersection.

Once inside one of the rooms, you will find that they are fairly large in size and everything -- from the bedding, curtains, and walls -- is covered in a vibrant cranberry. In the centre of the room is a rug of the the well-known Gordian Knot and the four House mascots. A series of dressers fill the rest of the room with accompanying bunk beds. Keep your room nice and tidy, gents; the resident Pukwudgies will not be cleaning up after you.

Play nice, boys, and don't get too loud. Professor Williams's room is only a few doors down, and he will not tolerate any shenanigans whatsoever.