Patio Hangout  Though no longer outside, the outdoors have been brought inside thanks to a number of charms and enchantments. After stepping into the trunk of the Beetle, one will find themselves walking on a stretch of green lawn with various trees and hedges scattered about. The lawn is perfect for various activities, anything from morning yoga to an afternoon game of Quodpot or just casually laying about to work on your tan. While it may be raining or snowing on the grounds of Hogwarts, in here the weather is always pleasant: sunny and warm by day, starry and cool by night.
Beyond the lawn sits a patio at the entrance of a sleek white building. Here a number of wicker sofas and chairs have been placed with accompanying side-tables. All of the sofas and chairs face the fire pit that is stationed in the centre of the patio. It is not uncommon to find others sitting here, either with a book in their hands, socializing with friends, or watching a boy or girl (a crush of theirs, most likely) doing their own thing out on the lawn.
The back of the patio is connected to a white wall containing a set of double glass doors that will take you into a maze of hallways.