Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite Two years into the subject and Jessa was still no closer to finding out how Divination worked. That was perhaps the only reason the Ravenclaw was back for a third try this school year. The thought of a concept that she couldn't wrap her mind around....of not didn't entirely sit well with her. Surely there must have been something she was missing? A certain cause and effect relationship between the predictions and the subjects thereof?
It was just very confusing and therefore something that needed to be deconstructed.
Stepping into the room, Jessa did take the offered hand, finding she wouldn't mind a bit of extra homework in finding out how likely the prediction was to come true. It was likely she'd go out of her way to keep her routine as normal as possible....though...what if the prediction was contingent on her stepping outside the norm.....? No real way of telling she supposed, which was what made this subject so........headache inducing.
It was like grasping at straws or trying to find logic in the scribbles of her baby niece--very very very difficult. "Hello Professor."
Turning, the Ravenclaw looked about the room, considering her many options when it came to seating. Thankfully the room wasn't nearly as hot today, maybe that would help in her concentration. Jessa moved about the room, distracted by the mirrors that sat on the table until she came to one that had Abey sat at it. Oh. Hi. "Can I sit here?" That seat there was likely saved for Derf, she just wanted to know if the other two were taken as well.
If they were, her eyes had already caught sight of an empty table not too far off.
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________ 
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |