Thread: Suits of Armour
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Old 05-12-2017, 01:34 PM   #13 (permalink)
House Elf
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Hogwarts
Posts: 223

Originally Posted by EquestrianGal88 View Post
Rayna gave a small smile at the elf, "No, you aren't bothering me. Us." She added tilting a head towards Daniel. "We were just exploring the castle."

Rayna moved a little closer to the house elf and extended a hand to shake in greeting, "I'm Rayna, by the way. Your name is Pips?" From what she gathered. "Would you like some help?" She asked. Rayna's classes were done for the day, so she had some extra time to help the school staff.
The students were always so nice and Pips gave a tug at his ears before giving a smile. "You are firsties then?" Firsties were always the most curious to the house elves and Pips always was willing to answer their questions. "Watch the stairs, they move to places you won't know." He had been there a long time and still got confused.

"Yes, Yes misses I'm Pips, I help clean and cook for the castle." His big eyes moved to the armor and back to her. "Oh no misses Pips can do this, I can do it quick."
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