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Old 05-12-2017, 07:50 AM   #138 (permalink)

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Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler

Emmeline was watching Ash so intently that she jumped when the cards ended up in her hands somehow. What? She glanced down at them and guessed what they had to do (since she hadn't paid much attention): put the pictures in order. Shouldn't be too hard, it just had to go from baby to old-looking, right?
She spread the pictures out across the hay bale next to her and pulled out a piece of parchment to write her answers on.

The picture with the 1 on it looked pretty old and sickly to her. Emmeline felt sorry for any creature that had to live like that, but at least phoenixes got to be reborn! She glanced from the pictures to Ash, trying to will him to come over and let her pet him. Couldn't he see she wanted to be friends? She knew Professor Wayland was Ash's BEST friend, but the creature could have other friends too, right? Anyway the picture 1 was clearly a phoenix at the (temporary) end of his life. She wished all creatures could live forever! Raising her hand this time, Emmeline asked: "Professor sir, do ALL magical creatures live for a long time? Like more than a hundred years? Not cats and stuff, but magical ones?" She hoped so. She knew creatures like owls and cats sadly did not live so long as that, but magical creatures were clearly different. Maybe. Hopefully!

What were they supposed to be doing again? She was still mostly staring at Ash with crup-like eyes mostly, even while she was talking to the professor. But that reminded her of something... The activity!

Emmeline stared resolutely down at the pictures and her parchment. This was the ONE class she wanted to do really, really well in, so she knew she couldn't afford distractions even if they came in the beautiful, elegant, majestic phoenix and she should NOT be dwelling on how cool it was to have a real-live phoenix here and...

Pictures. Oops, she should have looked carefully at ALL of the pictures before she had hastily written down picture 1 as the last stage, because one of these pictures looked even worse. That poor thing... She decided that 5 must be the REAL last stage, and so picture 1 needed to move up one spot. Picture 6 HAD to be the first stage though, because it was a cute little baby and there weren't any other baby pictures here.

The other pictures were more tricky. Emmeline rearranged the pictures on the hay bale to reflect her answers on the parchment. Of the three remaining pictures, there was one that looked just a liiiiiiittle worse than the other two, because he was losing feathers. She decided that he must be the fourth stage because he wasn't as pretty as the other unassigned pictures, but he wasn't as unhealthy looking as the last two stages' pictures were. So the fourth stage belonged to picture 3. Emmeline scribbled this down a little triumphantly, because this made sense to her and she was hoping that she really understood stuff about creatures like she thought she did. Not that that all hinged on this activity, but it kind of felt like it did in the moment. She didn't want to be stupid in this class or bad at it.

So only pictures 2 and 4 left unassigned. Emmeline examined them closely and compared them to the REAL Ash. She thought picture 2 looked closest to him in his current state, but the living Ash was so beautiful that she thought he must be in the greatest health. So she wrote that down and was about to hand in her parchment when she noticed that there was a slight difference between 2 and 4 that she hadn't spotted yet. The phoenix in picture 4 was just slightly bigger than real-life Ash. She needed to swap the order of those pictures on her parchment, then. This made her happy because if the real Ash was in picture 2 and she was right that he was in stage 2, then he was pretty YOUNG. That was good, because she didn't like the idea of Ash being sick or suffering like the later stages suggested.

Feeling fairly confident in her answers, Emmeline marched up to the hay bale under the blackboard and turned her parchment in and then bounced back to her seat.

SPOILER!!: parchment
Emmeline Sparkes
First Year

Stage 1: Picture 6
Stage 2: Picture 2
Stage 3: Picture 4
Stage 4: Picture 3
Stage 5: Picture 1
Stage 6: Picture 5
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