DMAC & MO Doxy
Join Date: Sep 2010 Location: Sweden [GMT+1]
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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Stella Marie Reed Daily Prophet News Reporter | a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means Text Cut: Henry Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay As he looked around a bit, Henry couldn't help but to wonder what it would be like to essentially live outside - or in an outdoor dwelling. He already wanted to have an enormous treehouse one day and this hut was essentially a treehouse but on the ground. Which, okay, was not quite as cool and probably not as large as what Henry would want, but it was still outdoorsy and interesting. "Well, thank you, sir!" Henry grinned at the man who he thought was very friendly and he decided he liked him instantly. And he did find the need to get a little closer to Mr. B's shelves as he gestured to them, just so he could see the artifacts closer. What were these things? But he turned back around when the groundskeeper offered him a place to sit.
Sure, he wouldn't mind sitting for a few, and he took the offered seat, nodding eagerly as the subject turned to flying. And it seemed like Mr. B really liked that fact, which told Henry that maybe he was passionate about it too. Which would make sense since he was the flying instructor, though one never really knew.
Too hot? Henry gave the man a curious kind of look. It wasn't even as hot as it had been in July and August. "Um, actually I really like summer. I like going to the beach and swimming in the sea." And there were lots of other fun things to do during break. "But winter's a close second," he added quickly. "Bundling up to go ice skating and having hot chocolate by the fireplace is fun too. Plus my birthday's in winter." Honestly, he could probably find things he liked about every season. "Do you prefer winter?"
Oh, tea was nice. Henry wouldn't say no to tea, even if he didn't like it. He was polite like that. He did prefer his with a touch of honey, but he took a little sip from his cup before setting it down. Yeah, better with honey. "I am!" he grinned with another enthusiastic nod. "Flying's one of my favorite things. I actually play Quidditch too, and my sister does too. So I've been flying since I was really young. I'm pretty experienced." He wondered about Mr. B's experience too, not that he doubted his expertise, just wondered if he played any broom games or was strictly a flier. But he'd let him offer that on his own. "Are there going to be classes for really experienced fliers too?"
Haraldur gave the boy an odd look at the mention of summer. What's to enjoy? There was no worse feeling than that of your clothes sticking to your body because SWEAT. Because summer was hot. Too hot. But he let it slide. Apparently it was a common opinion. Did he prefer winter? The groundskeeper nodded briskly. "In Scotland? Yes, I prefer the winter here." He didn't mind summer in Svalbard but anywhere else, winter was definitely to prefer. "I don't acclimate that well." He admitted, mumbling.
Moving on from the subject of summer to something MUCH more interesting: Flying. Haraldur leaned forward over the table, listening to what the young man had to say. "Quidditch is a good sport." He nodded, approvingly. "There will always be lessons for experienced fliers Mr. Whittebrook." This he said with conviction. The more he thought of actually teaching, the more he took it to heart. "If you ever have any thoughts on my lessons, my door is always open." Student's opinions were important, especially student's who seemed passionate about flying. "Sounds like it means a great deal to you. Any thoughts on following down this path after graduation?"
What was this now? Asking about career choices? He was such a teacher Text Cut: Dora Quote:
Originally Posted by Erindipity Dora couldnt recall ever going to the groundskeeper hut before in her Hogwarts career. Was that odd? Surely not. She was just kind of... particular about people. Professors included.
But she'd be lying if she didn't admit that the new dude had piqued her interest. He was an odd duck and those tended to be her PEOPLE. So with her hands shoved in her pockets, the Gryffindor made her way down to the edge of the forest to the hut. She paused and let her eyes wander over all of thE runes and feathers and such before she moved forward and knocked lightly on the door.
She hoped he was in. She had questions. QUESTIONS ONLY HE COULD ANSWER.
Haraldur had raided the kitchen. It was true. He had taken his broom and zoomed up to the castle, gone to the second floor and just raided the kitchen. It was easy to hide a steak or two things in his big fur coats. He was just setting up for lunch when he heard two knocks on the door.
Haraldur glanced over his shoulder at the door. Back to the food on the table and then at the door again. What if students were in the forbidden forest? What if a firstie was being dragged into the lake by a grindylow?
What if someone had broken into the broomshed?! "I'm coming, I'm coming!" He called from inside the hut and quickly shuffled over to the door to swing it open. "Miss Umbridge?" He raised his eyebrows and took in her expression. She seemed calm enough. Probably not a grindylow then. "Good day to you, Miss Umbridge." He brushed off his fur coat and straightened a feather on his head. "What can I do for you?" Text Cut: Skylar Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Heh, he was funny, this one, Skylar decided she liked him already. "Yes, sir, I am. This will be my fourth year in the house." You know, just in case he forgot that she wasn't completely brand new. She was officially a middle-classmen. "My parents were actually Hufflepuff Prefects during their time here, and my older siblings were both Ravenclaws." Not that she expected him to remember all that, but just some information in case he cared to know.
Did he just ... drop books? Opening her mouth in disbelief, she then quickly closed it, figuring it was probably none of her business. And it really wasn't. So he went to Durmstrang, how interesting? "Durmstrang, hmm? Yea, I would imagine Hogwarts would be different. But there's really no place else I'd rather be, given my parents and siblings have gone here. And friends too." Friends were important, even to a Slytherin. "though to be honest, the lack of quidditch is troublesome. I mean, there was a dangerous portal and a flesh eating monster last year, and there have been swarms of spiders, so surely quidditch can't be that dangerous compared to what else Hogwarts has been through." Just saying. And considering he taught flying in addition to managing the grounds, this was probably the person to talk to, right? "Water would be good," Skylar nodded appreciatively, as she found her way over to a seat. How very hospitable he was... "A fourth year! One last calm year before the OWLs." Haraldur chuckled. Ah, he did not miss those. He smiled at the mention of her family. Even though he had never gone to Hogwarts himself, everyone knew of the different houses.
The basics anyway. Heh. "A big mix then! No Gryffindors?" The Gryffindor house matched his red feathers. He liked red. Other than that, he didn't have any preference towards either house. He'd gathered that the students got quite attached to their house and the school, young miss Diggory was a good example of that. "Friends and family is important." He nodded in agreement but not really agreeing. He had always been a lone wolf. But that life wasn't for everyone and friends and family was important to the young ones.
Then the conversation continued on to the monster and the spider swarm and he clasped his hands over his chest while he listened.
Hogwarts was a place for trouble but it prepared the students for the real world. The world of flesh eating monsters... Yeah. It was bad. Oooobviously nothing bad would ever happen at the school as long as he was the groundskeeper. Nothing got past him.
Unless he was sleeping of course. Or looking the other way.
Haraldur brought her a glass of water and sat down by the table with one of his own. "Believe me, if it were up to me..." He interrupted himself and took a few sips of the water in annoyance. "I will do what I can do bring quidditch back on the table for discussion." He promised her with a determined nod. He was distraught that they didn't have the games anymore. A few broken arms? Stress and pressure from the members of the house? There were worse things in the world. Like flesh eating monsters.
No, he was perfectly in agreement with Miss Diggory on this one. "I cannot bring quidditch back without the rest of the staff with me." And probably the Board of Governors. "But I promise you that I will try. Until then, you are more than welcomed to gain access to the broomshed and the quidditch material I have in there."
Haraldur leaned back and took a few more sips of the water. The annoyance quickly disappeared. "What position would you like to play then, Miss Diggory?" He asked curiously.
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