Post 2 dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Fire extinguished, Shay added her five dried fall leaves to the cauldron. She wondered why they had to specifically be fall leaves. Then again, spring and summer leaves wouldn't naturally be dry, would they? Shay unstoppered the vial of demiguise tincture and poured a little bit into a waiting bowl. Then she placed two moth wings in one hand and used the other hand to dip one in the tincture. Shay added the first wing to the potion and dipped wing number two before adding it to the potion as well. After checking her notes, Shay retrieved the pearl dust. She quickly poured it into the cauldron and stepped back.
The chemical reaction took place and Shay watched the burning from a safe distance. When you had as much hair as she did, you learned to give all things burning and fire related a wide berth. When the burning stopped, it was time to add another moth wing to the mix and Shay did as instructed. Picking up a clean stirrer, she stirred five times in a counterclockwise direction. "one, two, three, four, five and switch." Stirring in the other direction, she counted, "one, two, three, four, five." Exhaling with relief, Shay realized that her potion was indeed the silvery-white color that it should be.
Nearing the end of the brewing process, Shay found the remaining moth wing and added it to her potion. All she had to do now was cover it. She got her piece of cheesecloth and carefully placed it over her cauldron. Shay checked her watch and set the timer for five minutes. She didn't want to get distracted and lose track of the time. In the meantime, she began to clean her equipment. That would mean less clean up would be necessary later. With her wand in hand, she said, "Scourgify", moving from one item to the next. Shay took a moment took check on her neighbor. It looked like Ava was doing great. Anyway, the five minutes should be up soon.
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