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Old 05-11-2017, 06:27 AM   #221 (permalink)
purple-feenix's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 53
Default Potion brewing

Aurora carefully copied the recipe and notes onto parchment:

5 Juniper berries
Half of a Shrivelfig (cut it in half and share it with you neighbor)
6 cherries
2 scoops of Silver colored glitter
5 dried fall leaves
Tincture of Demiguise
4 Moth wings
Pearl dust
Cheese cloth big enough to drape over your cauldron

1. )Fill cauldron halfway full with water, bring the water to a boil.
2.) Add in the juniper berries
3.) Cut the shrivelfig in half, you may wear protective gloves if you wish, squeeze the juice out, and drop the shrivelfig.
NOTE: At this point, the potion should be a light purple
4.) Stir ten times counter-clockwise, then five times clockwise, potion should be a deep dark purple.
5.) Add in the cherries
6.) Add the silver colored glitter
7.) Turn off the heat.
8.) Add the leaves.
9.)Dip two of the moth wings into the tincture of Demiguise and add them to the cauldron
10.) Drop the Pearl dust into the cauldron. When the tincture of Demiguise meets pearl dust, they make a reaction that burns.
NOTE: Let it burn out
11.) Add another moth wing
12.) Stir five times counterclockwise, then ten times clockwise.
NOTE: Potion should be silvery-white color.
13.) Add the remaining moth wing.
14.) Place the cheese cloth over your cauldron and leave it there for 5 minutes

Effects last up to an hour before it wears off.
Can be used for up to three hours a day
For stronger effects substitute two demiguise hairs for the tincture, three hours instead of one.
Silvery-white in color
Can be used on any object, effects last longer on non-living things, just one drop
Can be used for invisible ink, use pearl dust to reveal
She began her potion, working step by step, carefully reading each line. She carefully counted her juniper berries and shared her shrivelfig with the girl at the next table. She smiled happily when her potion turned deep purple.

She dipped her moth wings and added them to the potion and then waited patiently as it burned out after she added the pearl dust. She stirred as directed and added the third moth wing. After she topped it with cheesecloth, she watched the clock, patiently waiting for the five minutes to be up.

Last edited by purple-feenix; 05-11-2017 at 06:30 AM. Reason: formatting
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