Hufflepuff Forever Interstellar Hitchhiker Right, so the shrivlefig was added which meant, what? Samantha looked back up at the board. Stirring! She could do that, it wasn't that hard. Carefully, she stirred her potion once, twice, ten times in a counter clockwise motion, and then five times in the other direction. Well, it still looked purple. That was good. After the step was completed, she glanced around the room at all the commotion going on. Oddly enough, this was more entertaining than the kid getting sick earlier, and also a lot dumber. Seriously, you are a fifth year get your stupid act together.
Shaking her head, she looked back at the board. She didn't have time for that, she needed to concentrate on getting this right. The next bit looked fairly easy though. Seriously, how hard could it be to just add a few ingredients. So first the Gryffindor girl added the five cherries, pits and all because the directions didn't say anything about removing them, and the she poured in two whole scoops of silver glitter, accidentally getting some of it on the table. Trying to wipe it off, she groaned as it stuck to her hand, and then her robes as she tried wiping them there. See, this is why she hated this stuff, even if it was pretty sometimes, like now, sparkling in her brewing potion.
Extinguishing the flame, she added the leaves. Five of them, dried, from fall. That was oddly specific, and a really weird ingredient. Actually, most of them were. Like the next ingredient, moth wings. Wouldn't, well, the wings of a lacewing fly be better for invisibility? And seriously, what on earth was with the cherries? But anyways, what did she know? She wasn't a genius potioneer or anything. She needed to get back on track, and that meant very carefully dipping two of the moth wings into the tincture before dropping them into her cooling potion.
__________________ So many things are possible 
just as long as you don't know they're impossible |