05-10-2017, 04:58 PM
Flying Lesson 1: Creaothceann  Banner credit: Suziella Out on the grounds, down by the pitch is where the first flying lesson of term 46 is held. In the middle of the pitch is a row of school brooms neatly placed on the grass for the firsties and for the students in need of borrowing one. There is also a large trunk containing what looks like hula hoops and next to it are black cauldrons placed on top of each other in a tall tower. It looks slightly unstable, swaying slightly in the wind but never toppling over.
You'll find the professor impatiently waiting for the students as he slowly hovers around the pitch on his broom. Mounted correctly? No. Lying on his back, legs crossed and eyes to the sky as he's balancing on the broom? Absolutely.
The large gate to the pitch is wide open, allowing the students to arrive. The September afternoon weather brings a gentle breeze and the sun is still in the sky, warming the grass.
Perfect day for flying. Is it not?
OOC: Hi everyone and welcome to the first flying lesson (both IC and OOC) of the term! *throws confetti on your heads* This is a lesson open for everyone, no matter age or experience level. Please familiarize yourselves with the flying rules before posting and as always, all SS board rules and General Classroom rules apply. Let's kick this off and have fun! Class will start in approximately 24 hours (Thursday 11th of May 7pm GMT+2 / 1pm EDT) Class has officially started! Feel free to join and act as though you've been here all the time. <3 Class progression: