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"Great idea." Olly grinned at Noelle. Caramel drizzles on top did sound good. Peanut butter chocolate chip with caramel drizzle. They should probably stop there because adding any more flavors would just get ridiculous.
Olly measured the flour and stuff into his bowl and was mixing it when Noelle spoke again. He smirked, and then started outright laughing. He nudged her. "Just to train, I'm sure. No ulterior motive from you." Olly set his bowl on the counter, an invitation for her to combine them, and went to grab the cookie sheet. And preheat the oven of course. "I wouldn't mind spending some time in the library this term."
If Noelle had her way, and the way her stomach was wanting everything, she wouldn't have stopped there. She'd have added sprinkles and etc just to bring that cookie over the top. It would have been impossibly sweet to eat though. Maybe that would have satisfied this hunger she was having... or maybe it would make her sick. Either way, she was glad that Olly stopped adding ingredients.
Noelle grinned at the nudge as she added the eggs to the mix. "
The library huh?" She wondered if that had anything to do with the new and ... rather good looking librarian. She giggled and nudged him back.