That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars Quote:
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft Kalen looked at Cornelius as he spoke and he smiled a bit. "He's a Maine Coon actually.. and Aslan over there.. " He said nodding over to the orange cat snuggling on its bed "Is a Flame point Siamese. " He explained as he looked at the boy, hoping to get past the awkwardness of his utter failure just moments ago. "A worm in his head? " Now that certainly wasn't a usual comment but Kalen let it slide, he was trying to get through this meeting without messing up again, usually he handled any sort of tricky situation with remarkable aplomb. He WAS a Slytherin after all. But he had never dealt with boyfriends of a semi-recently discovered niece. Kalen felt like he was treading water in an extremely stormy sea..he was way out of his league here, but here's to doing the best to get through it.. "Tea it is then. " He said as he waved his wand and a tea set came floating towards him, he let water from his wand pour into his tea pot and he used a charm to heat it up, the water needed to be boiling after all. He placed two tea bags into blue patterned cups, and then looked over at the boy as the water heated up.. "So your questions? " He asked as he raised an eyebrow still curious as to what this was all about!
Cornelius hadn't noticed the other beast cat. His lip quirked up a bit. "Where're Susan, Peter, Edmund and Lucy?" He certainly recognized the first two names to a story Peyton used to read him when he was a kid.
The boy watched the librarian, studying him carefully with his bright green eyes. For a moment he allowed himself to lean back and relax on his seat, but then he remembered; during serious talks you sit with your back straight, ready for business. "My friend's questions." Just so they get that straight. A friend. "They're about love. I've--my friend's been looking for books on the subject, but can't find any answers that satisfy them. How do you know when you're in love?"
Boom bang slam!
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