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Kalen smiled down at the young girl and nodded. "Hello, I am Kalen Kennedy, the new librarian." He said with a smile, he needed to be proper after all. Introductions first, book retrieval second.
Kalen's green eyes flicked up towards where she was pointing and he nodded. "The one with the yellow spine, yeah?" He asked her, making sure he was going to get the right one and not waste this little trick he had on the wrong book, least the effect be ruined.
You see, Kalen had long ago learned non verbal magic, one learned things like that in Hogwarts of course, and he has taken to it like a fish to water, so naturally his next instinct was to learn wandless magic. Not many people could do it and the Slytherin in him had taken such pride in the thought of being able to master such an art.
Sadly, Wandless Magic proved to be rather difficult for Kalen and he was still attempting to learn it to this day, there were however a few spells he knew really well, three in fact, Accio, Depulso and Alohomora.. Those three always worked for him, so he raised his hand and with a flick of his fingers, the book came down off the shelf and straight into his hand..
"Here you are. " Kalen said with a warm smile. "Is there anything else you need? " He asked her, his stack of books still waiting patiently behind him.
This guy was the
LIBRARIAN? He didn't look old enough to be a Librarian. Seriously what was up with the attractive Professors at Hogwarts? Did they have a secret spell or charm or something? Olivia Holden had to know. Though. She wasn't going to blurt that out. Thank Merlin that she had inherited a filter from her parents. If not, her inner thoughts surely would have made for a... unique conversation. Ahem. Introductions. Right. "
It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Kennedy." She paused. Should she call him Mr. Kennedy or Kalen? Well he was an adult.... Mr. Kennedy worked. She did, after all, call River Reed Healer Reed. Yeah. Great. She'd go with that. "
I'm Olivia Holden. Fifth year." She paused. "
Gryffindor" She wasn't sure what else to add. Perhaps a 'how do you do'? Nope. Nope. Too awkward.
Olivia nodded. Yes, her book had a yellow spine on it. "
Yes, that's the one," she affirmed with another nod. Her eyes widened as she watched him retrieve the wand without climbing the bookshelves, using a ladder, or even a wand. Her blue eyes widened in amazement. When he turned to her, she smiled and thanked him. "
Thank you. I believe...." She trailed off, still in awe about the use of wandless magic. Wow. Wandless magic. "
I have a question if you don't mind." She paused for a while, waiting for a comment, and then continued. "
How did you learn to do that?" she asked. Whoops. What did 'that' mean? She cringed slightly. Be specific!
Olivia went on to clarify. "
How did you learn to use wandless magic? How can I learn that? Are there books on it?" she asked curiously. She wanted to know and had always been fascinated with wandless magic even when Healer Reed had brought it up when he was tending to her sprained arm last term.