T E D D Y[FC: Imaan Hamman] Basics: Name: Tejashree Oni Peale
Nickname: Teddy, Teds
DOB: November 18, 2074
Age: 15
Year at Hogwarts: Fifth
Blood Status: Half and Half
Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, French, Urdu, English
Best/Favourite Subjects: Divination
Least Favourite Subjects: Transfiguration
Pets: Jack Russell Terrier named Raja
Personality: Quiet on the outside, with a turmoil of racing thoughts inside. Fearless, Curious, Determined, Loyal, Energetic, Fire, Eclipse
Likes: The X-Files, Twin Peaks, Football, Quidditch, Dancing, Bollywood, 70's era, Designing clothes, family, late night swimming, painting walls
Dislikes: liars, dubstep music, mansplaining, wand dependent magic
Theme Song: "Shreds" || Grieves
Appearance: Eye colour: Dark Brown
Hair: Dark Brown; Curly, Full, Wild
Skin: Sun Kissed Dark Olive
Height: 5'7"
Family: Parents: Abin-Sur Peale (father)
Ashika Peale (mother)
Siblings: Jagan Peale (older sister)
Nirvani Peale (younger sister)
Tejashree Oni Peale was born in New Delhi, India on hazy, hot November day. The moment she opened up her eyes, she was looking up at her father and continued to look up to him as she grew up. Teddy was fearless from the moment she could take her first steps. She never gave up on a challenge, but she also knew when not to accept one. She loves her family more than anything which is why it's so hard to be mad at her parents after they rerooted their family to the United Kingdom. To this day, she and her sisters are not quite sure why they came here, but all she can do is trust in her father and mother that they know best.