Thread: The Igloo
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Old 05-09-2017, 02:25 AM   #22 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
After spotting the new white dome from one of the castle windows, it hadn't been long until Sam had decided to investigate. She'd briefly wondered if the Groundskeeper had erected a miniature Millennium Dome, but that didn't really seem to be his thing. So, of course, she'd enrolled her bestie's help to investigate.

"I heard someone say it's an igloo," she said, pulling the Gryffindor down the path. "But that can't be right, can it? It's not that cold here. Not yet."
The blonde refrained from grumbling as her best friend PULLED her down the path. Merlin... she was rather... exuberant today, wasn't she?!

Granted, Dora has spotted the igloo also... several other things. But like... she had been too caught up in things. Casper type things. But now that she was down on the grounds she couldn't help but laugh. "Magic, Sam. Charms and such. Atmospheric stuff or just a cooling charm of some sort. I swear, you forget that you're a witch sometimes, " she said with a giggle.
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