Thread: The Lions' Den
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Old 05-09-2017, 01:06 AM   #25 (permalink)
nicole black
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Desdemona Minerva Evans #6082B6
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
First Year
you wanna fite? | 💚 nickleback 💚 | Uh, anyway.

Originally Posted by Oesed View Post

Tenacius was off spraying people with water and Levi was half tempted to join the fun. A poor attempt at grasping at the now long summer and what it'd entailed, to be sure; but the feeling was there, like a slight tug in the bottom of his stomach.

It didn't matter. The party and its theme were both good ideas but the summer was gone and though there were some things that had stuck around from it, well--trying to focus in more important things was possibly a better idea.

His gaze returned to Aslan and he watched her carefully for a moment. If anyone ever asked him to describe her, he'd probably used the word 'quiet' though that was probably not true at all. One of his flip flops fell off his feet, and Levi considered scrambling down to get. He took a sip off his drink instead. "He's good at Charms." Which was obvious if the man still had his job. "And seems to be handling the energy well right now." He grinned. "But let's wait and see once someone blows something up. Or things accidentally start catching fire." Dora did love her fires, after all. And she was not the only one.
Tenacius' aim was less than true, and thankfully so. Aslan didn't mind getting wet, but a face full of water wasn't exactly a pleasant experience. She stepped a little to the side, away from the fireplace and closer to Levi to avoid the blue splashes of warmed pool water.

she briefly considered changing, but decided against it. She wouldn't be here much longer, and sleep was certainly still calling her. Without a word Aslan bent down, her curtain of dark hair hiding her face, and picked up Levi's flip-flop. she stood upright, and with a mostly impassive face she wiggled the shoe just a little. The accidentally didn't go unnoticed by the brunette, nor did Levi's fair minded manner. Both were decidedly interesting enough to keep her attention. "Yes, he is doing alright, isn't he..." Aslan mused, tucking back her wayward hair. her lips curved into a tiny smirk. "We won't be waiting long, it's already getting..... " Yellow, she wanted to say yellow and orange but doubted, very sincerely that Levi would understand what she meant by that. to be quite fair, she didn't know exactly ether.

The pause carried for a bit longer as Aslan considered her next words with care. Yellow, Orange- Loud, obnoxious, playful- No, more of the-

"Cautionary." she said, it wasn't all that the colors triggered in her mind, but it would suffice. "Are you going into the pool?" Aslan had completely forgotten she was holding the sixth-year's shoe.

the moon:

feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
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