Wife. ∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Part of him had wanted to meet with Olivia outside of her common room and escort her out to the grounds for their date, but he had wanted to spent time setting up and not leave their area alone for someone to ruin. So he settled with giving her a time to get here for on the note he had given to her after their walk three days ago. It had read something along the lines of: I've promised to prove to you every day that my heart is yours. Join me on Saturday afternoon to begin my new tradition. I love you forever, Olivia Lynn. Courtyard at 11am, don't wrap up too warm. He had been out here since 8:30, after grabbing breakfast and all of the things he needed. Setting up on the grass area, but still near the fountain (as that was what he needed for all of this), Rooney had laid out four dark blankets to make a large square surface area. Each of the blankets had a mild heating fabric woven into them, something which Rooney thought was genius for outdoor picnics in the later months of the year. As time got closer to 11, he had journeyed into the kitchens to grab food for his basket of love. There were potatoes of all kinds, because his love loved them and that meant that he loved them too. Heart shaped cupcakes, heart shaped sandwiches, juice in cups laden with hearts, heart confetti, heart napkins... There was a whole lot of hearts in this here basket.
Even the ribbon wrapped diligently around the handles was heart printed. And so was the fabric coating the inside. Rooney was magnificently ready to just spend time with Liv without the stress of school and everything else. Before their castle was overwhelmed with a whole other spectrum of students from across the pond. Anyone would think that he was about to propose to her, with how much effort he was going to. But that had actually been the easiest thing he had ever done in August in the place that meant a lot to them, in the city that they had once considered for their future. This future.
As he wandered the perimeter of the blankets, he adjusted the positioning of a large purple scrapbook and three gift boxes.
Where was his Queen?
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