Jotting down notes, Noelle glanced at the
extract of demiguise. okay, what exactly was the extraction? Were Demiguise hurt in the process? She nodded when students were asking those types of questions. Then she looked at the professor to see if she had a response.
In the meantime, she grinned at Olly when he mentioned them passing notes back and forth. Her brilliant person. "
Okay deal." She stated while dipping her quill into one of the vials and writing with the clear ink.
Noelle passed him her parchment and reached for his. Opening the other vial, she dusted some of the pearl dust onto the clear ink and his message appeared. She giggled. Okay. So, Olly was definitely the best person in the world.
Using his parchment, Noelle began to scribble another message to Olly. Only, she heard something that wasn't pleasant and looked up. Derf had thrown up. Poor kid. He seemed to be covered though. There were more than enough people helping him. Okay. Back to her message.
Done. She passed back his parchment. This could be a new substitution for note passing in class. Birdies were obvious sometimes.