Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz
That. Was. Not. Funny.
Cornelius just stared at the man. Stared. Azura snuggling with someone else? That made something stir in the boy. Jealousy? He wasn't the jealous type. Being jealous meant insecurity. He wasn't insecure in himself nor in Azura. A tiny little worm of a thought wedged in his mind. In fact, it's been there for quite sometime, and every time it made it's presence known Cornelius would try to stomp on it, but this worm was clever and it hid. Then repeated the process all over again.
Christopher. The worm's name is Christopher and Cornelius didn't like it one bit.
The boy cleared his throat. "That actually isn't amusing, sir," Cornelius said as politely as he could muster. Was the librarian trying to crush him? Sure. Go ahead. Drop yo books on him while he was down, why don't you. Dramatic, much?
Ah. The party. "Right," Cornelius nodded. His focus had been solely bestowed upon Azura, so the boy just went along with the flow. She had been gorgeous that night. When wasn't she, though?
Privacy was offered and the boy took like hot chocolate on a snowy day. "Yes, that's perfect!" he said with an eager nod. No need for gossip. Merlin knows he despises that. Lead the way, mister book-nerd! .....
Oops. Kalen could clearly see that his joke had fallen flat.
Worse than flat.. it was dying in the gutter..
Ahh Merlin.. He rubbed his face for a moment before sighing. "I'm sorry Mr. Baltazar.. please follow me. " He said as he led the way into his office and ushered the boy in, he showed the boy to a seat before shutting the door. He settled down in his leather chair and was almost instantly pounced on by a large, black furred cat. "Meet Mr. Tumnus. " Kalen said as he scratched the cat behind the ears and turned his attention towards Cornelius.. "I must apologize once more for my words. It was you I saw her snuggling with, that was all. I didn't mean to imply something else was happening. " He knew Azura was all heart eyes for the boy, so.. something else must have been bothering him.. "Anyways. You said you had some questions? Would you like some tea before we get to them? " He asked kindly, wondering what was on the boys mind. |