Hads/Ace/Professor - catching up. Hufflepuff Forever Interstellar Hitchhiker
So Sam wasn't exactly in the talking mood. Anyone who knew her would be totally shocked by that. But when Hadley greeted her, the Lion gave her a thumbs up by way of acknowledgement. She wasn't trying to be unfriendly, and not talking was probably the friendliest thing she could do right now. Except you know, for her curiosity about the things in front of her. As she was messing with him, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at her "cousin's" stupid response. He did manage to get a small smile out of her though. "This isn't cooking class you know." Seeing the strange look the boy gave her, and her cheese, she simply replied "Madame Curie." It just didn't feel right going down to potions with out her customary stop by the kitchens to get a small piece of cheese for the rat, and a piece for herself too that she always ate on the way down. It didn't matter that there was no Madame Curie or Professor Newton, it still needed to be done.
Pulling out her parchment and quill as the professor started the class, Sam wrote down the question posed to them. As she thought about what might be in the potion, she also wrote down what everyone else was suggesting, along with what the professor said about each. It was important to know why certain ingredients wouldn't work. Hearing some of the answers made her smirk. Cherries? that sounded so ridiculous, and she was completely surprised when they were told that it was actually an ingredient. She was also surprised that Ace's answer of something from a thestral wasn't correct. They were invisible to her still, so they should be in it. She tried to think of something unique that hadn't been said a million times, like the demiguise. The only thing she could think of was something from the Hidebehind but that just seemed dumb. It was part demiguise sure, but it seemed better to use something from the real thing. Still, she wrote the word down and put a big question mark beside it, not wanting to say it out loud and look dumb.
Once Canterbury told them what was in the vials she looked at them questioningly. Huh, so that's what they were. That explained why the powdery one was pretty, but the other? Eww, especially once she heard Ace's muttered comment. Raising her hand, she asked, "Was the demiguise dead when you... extracted this.... stuff?" All she could think of was how things were extracted from food. Hadn't Ace demonstrated things like that before when he was making a snack? As she looked at the two vials again, she thought about how they had been told mixing the two would make it burn. What would happen if she poured them both into her cauldron? Oh how she was itching to try that.
First though, she had to make a secret message. Umm, okay so what should she write then? A true secret wouldn't work, because then they wouldn't be secret and all of her friends would be mad at her. So she'd keep them and her grumpy mood bottled up inside. Instead of anything really secretive, or even meaningful, she drew a simple shape on her parchment. Looking over to her table mates she asked, "Are we supposed to pour the powder on them now?" She glanced around the room and couldn't tell, seeing as some people were already doing it and some looked like they were just writing their notes and waiting. "What happens if the ink dries?"
__________________ So many things are possible 
just as long as you don't know they're impossible |