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SPOILER!!: Skylar
Skylar had to admit that one of the amazing things about the Slytherin common room was the front view of the Great Lake. Not many students could boast about getting to see the Great Lake below surface level, without even having to leave the comfort of ones common room. Darting over to the lake, she stood wide-eyed as it seemed the squid was there to pay them a visit too.
"Hello Oliver! Congrats on Prefect, by the way," Sky smiled at the older boy, and then gave a friendly smile for the younger girl present as well, "Hi there, welcome to Slytherin House. I'm Skylar."
And now for the squid, "Hello Bartholomew, so nice to see you!" It was strange that this was the first time in her three full years at Hogwarts that she was meeting the famed Giant Squid, but also kind of exciting too. And a definite mood booster! Noah would be so jealous!
Tearing her eyes away from the giant squid in the window for a moment, Rayna gave another smile and nod to the older girl who had just arrived.
"Thank you, Skylar. I'm Rayna." Now it seemed like there was more life coming to the common room....Then another student appeared.
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Rayna smiled again to the student who just arrived. This girl was definitely closer to Rayna's age.
"Hello, I'm Rayna." '
Yes. And she may have gotten that information while you introduced yourself just five seconds ago.' Quote:
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Ah, some more information.
'Grades are important, but don't forget to have fun, Rayna.' She thought to herself and nodded her head to that one specifically.
"I plan on doing some exploring definitely. Later today in fact." She grinned,
"This place has so much going on." How will she ever keep up?