DMAC Gnome
Join Date: Aug 2010 Location: over there.
Posts: 399
Hogwarts RPG Name: ember santos. First Year | ✿ i ain't sorry.mp3 | i don't know her.gif ✿ ❝ KHALIL JORDAN ❞ ✘ ✘ ✘  ❝ GOVERNMENT INFO ❞ ✘ ✘ ✘FULL NAME: Khalil Ismail Jordan NICKNAME(S): Khalil is pretty short already, so... PRONOUNS: He/Him DATE OF BIRTH: 20 December 2075 BLOOD STATUS: Mixed/Half AGE: Sixteen HEIGHT: 185.5 cm (6 ft. 1 in.) ILVERMORNY HOUSE: Wampus ILVERMORNY YEAR: Sixth WAND: 12", blackthorn, rougarou hair, solid HOMETOWN: North Miami Beach, FL PLAY BY: Torin Verdone
❝ RELATIONSHIPS ❞ ✘ ✘ ✘ Quote: Parents: Ximena Jordan (55, no-maj born) - mother, Samir Jordan (63, halfblood) - father Siblings: Yesenia Jordan (21)
OTHER RELATIVE(S): various cousins, aunts, uncles. PET(S): a fat chicken named Olivia. FRIENDS: [updating] ORIENTATION: who knows™
unintentionally insensitive
impetuous a.k.a live fast, die young™
can't stop, won't stop™
takes life 12% seriously
forgetful FAVORITE PASTIME/HOBBIES: providing unnecessary commentary on unnecessary things/people/events/etc, pilfering food from the kitchens, eating with a gusto, taking long, cold showers, running late at night, making bets/gambling, doing irrational/ridiculous dares, roaming through the muggle parts of the city, riling up his HoH, "studying", reading terrible muggle novels, playing quodpot, napping when he should be doing work, flirting @ the most inappropriate times. AMORTENTIA: peaches, tart candy, ginger, freshly baked bread BOGGART: clowns. his father took them to a circus in a muggle town not far from their home. there, he encountered the most bizarre set of white faces, with creepy eyes, and large (often red) noses. terrified, he ran away, only to be found hours later, crying in a park. BEST SUBJECT(S): DADA, CoMC WORST SUBJECT(S): everything else. Quote: LIKES:
rich, hearty, well-seasoned foods that are cooked w. love and attention
gambling/making & taking bets
people who can keep up w. him
dark humor
physical activity
being entertained
bad jokes
late-night shenanigans
muggle street-fighting w. the occasional bare-knuckle boxing
asinine assignments
people who take themselves too seriously
staying indoors
getting caught
being told that he can't (because, yes, he can)
unseasoned food (it's disrespectful)
listening to irrelevant people
people who lack humor
detention (who invented that, anyway)
howlers from his mother
howlers from his grandmother
howlers from his sister
technical texts
losing bets
❝ HISTORY ❞ ✘ ✘ ✘ SPOILER!!: the true story of khalil jordan. Quote: A WEEPING SKY BEGETS A HOPELESS NIGHT;
trepidation seeps out of their pores - molasses thick, a haze of desperation clogging the air - timid hands brush against your skin lightly. on cue, you sigh. quickly, looks are shared among your audience. healers, relatives, family friends all accompany your parents on this tumultuous journey.
choral-like questions swarm the small room. one question hangs, slips around the tongues of the onlookers: will he make it through the night?
an uncertain pause colored by ominous thoughts - the worry is evident in the creases along their faces, the downward slope of their brows, their trembling lips - when the healer inhales, they all release a collective breath. no.
a jolt passes through the room. shaken, your mother weeps openly - her eyes reflect the anguish of a mother whose very lifeline has been cut. in silence, your father maintains composure.
(your life is a lingering question that everyone is curious about.)
would death come for you - sickly, underweight, shortened breaths - would death, in all her jealousy, extract the one thing you desperately clung to?
(no.) ✘
life rewrites your song - complete with ink stains, hundreds of corrections - rondo in form. ✘
(there is no room for tragedy and heartache.) ✘✘✘
surefooted and wild-eyed, you take on the world with ease. your mother dotes - and coddles and worries and prays - while you struggle to break free. your father remains stoic - cold, unapproachable, unavoidable, with an unbreakable intensity.
you fall out of trees and break bones.
(your mother mends your bones with ease.)
the trees become your biggest challenge, so you climb. again. and fall. broken bones in different places.
(this repeats for two years.)
it begins to weigh heavily on your mother. she weeps and weeps and weeps until her voice is hoarse. eyes full of misery, of worry, of fatigue.
the next time you fall out of a tree brings about a different sort of consequence. alongside a battered body, your father forbids anyone from mending your bones with magic.
(you suffer loudly.)
(an addendum: your room becomes an inescapable tomb. time slows and you burn through your seemingly limitless energy quickly,)
determined to survive, you become still - freedom is alluring, but old habits tempt you, so - you become still. a drifting mind. idle hands itching to roam. you vow to never go through this again. BROKEN PROMISES, EMPTY DREAMS;
spring appears - fresh faced and loving - it caresses your face, propels you outdoors once again. according to your father, you are reckless - a wild child that serves no purpose except to cause headaches. meekly, your mother disagrees, begs your father to recant his words. their argument lasts longer than you'd care to sit for, so you leave.
(you make a habit of this; it becomes your sin to bear.)
(when asked later if you would do anything differently, you say:never. i only look forward and embrace my mistakes head-on.
they learn to not ask your opinion on matters of importance ever again.)
as the months melt into one another, summer slinks around the corner determined to make its mark.
your sister begins school and you envy her for it. full of life, she sends letters every two weeks. she chronicles her classwork, friends, school culture, and, most importantly: quodpot. it's invigorating to watch, she writes, you'd love it. but don't mention it to dad.
the warning latches onto you - no matter how far you shove it into the back of your mind, it comes forward repeatedly, almost as if you were meant to heed yesenia's words.
(they didn't know that this would propel you into a life of thrill-seeking, danger, and amoral behavior.)
(you don't care you don't care you don't care - at all.) ✘
who were you before olivia saved your life? the loneliness that you sought out - where is it now? do you still seek out death, even after life has given you another chance (again? again. again.) refuse to tell them when it hurts (does it?) - relish the pain. suffer silently, with purpose. through endurance, you find another path. if there are any tell-tale signs of possible death, you ignore them.
(shall they plan your funeral? you sad, sad, sad boy...) ✘
sandpaper hands. taut smile. eyes like whirlpools.
this is the start of your destruction. ✘ ✘ ✘
always remember how you managed to successfully sit through an hour long lecture on how not to behave at ilvermorny. you are thoroughly prepped by your mother, your sister, your grandmother, and finally him.
under a veil of smoke, you meet in his office - a test of your resilience, you withstand the stench of his vanity.
(it's a trap; do not challenge him. do not engage. do not provoke the beast that lies in wait. it will not do to back down.
you are capable of standing on your own and he is weak - you've seen his weakness.
you can (you should) exploit it. conquer him once and for all.
you are dismissed and the moment you make it out into the hallway, the breath that you held escapes - it empties you and your head hurts.
(as you pack, olivia comforts you - she reminds you that you are human and very much alive.)) IF DEATH IS WHAT YOU WANT
you play quodpot, you struggle with classes, you love and covet and love.
detentions are non-negotiable but that doesn't stop you from trying to barter your way out. your head of house is frustrated at the sight of you, so you give them more grief out of spite. uninhibited and free, you pick up the habit of taking outlandish dares and gambling. the bigger the risk - the closer you are to death - the more alive you feel. bonus section answer the following to the best of your knowledge:- describe in detail the nature of the cruciatus curse (3 pts.)
- what is the one thing you fear the most (5 pts.)
- rate your level of pain: non-existent - moderate - severe - mind-numbing, blinding, debilitating (10 pts.)
- analyze the following: your never-ending war with death, your plummeting academic life, your inability to take life seriously (12 pts.)
- how do you remove blood that has stained your mind & hands for years (15 pts.)
- list the bones that you've broken over the course of your life; plot the frequency in the number of times you've been hospitalized (25 pts.)
- do you act recklessly to drown out the noise or to test the limits of your body (30pts.)
- at what point will you stop (50 pts.)
Last edited by thekraken; 06-02-2017 at 02:45 PM.