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"The bookcas-s-se," he answered honestly, even pointing at it to make sure there could be no confusion as to what he was referring to. Or which bookcase for that matter since there were LOADS of them here in the library. "You were hugging it. Either to say thank you or hello I reckon."
Like like like...was this how the books stay sorted? Bookshelves are ALIVE? It sort of made him think about the muggle fairy tale mum had read to his little sister that one time. Only those objects weren't alive per say...they were PEOPLE who had been turned into objects.
And now his imagination was spiraling out of control. Oops.
"Is-s it a s-she? Your girlfriend!?"
Why did the librarian transfigure his girlfriend into a bookcase?
How on earth was he going to get out of this? He didn't want to be known as 'the bookcase hugger'. Mason placed the book he had gotten from the shelf and placed it back. He then turned to look at the little Hufflepuff again but had to move to the side so that his back was to the bookcase when a flying book flew towards him. Once it passed , the Ravenclaw stepped forward again.
"No, the bookcase is not my girlfriend" he said with a tired sigh. How did this kid's brain even function?
"I was simply trying to reach a book" he said casually. Totally a lie.
"You're Derfael right?" he had seen him around at classes and just in the school in general.