Thunderbird Puffskein
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 1,079
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jesús Rodríguez Sixth Year |  ▼▲JESÚS RODRÍGUEZ▲▼ ★ ★ ★ ★ ✘ PATIENT FILE - pg. 1 of 4 ✘ FILE NO. 39451075 FULL NAME: Jesús Gualtiero Rodríguez Dávila NICKNAME(S): Jesús works just fine. DATE OF BIRTH: 29 October 2076 BLOOD STATUS: Extremely murky & very complicated; a.k.a., no-maj-born. PRONOUNS: He/Him, They/Them HOMETOWN: El Barrio (or, more colloquially known as, East Harlem, NY) ILVERMORNY HOUSE: Thunderbird ILVERMORNY YEAR: Sixth WAND: 11 & 1/2", pine, dittany stalk, unyielding AGE: Fifteen HEIGHT: 181 cm / 5'11" PLAY BY: Dean Zruya
✘ PATIENT FILE - pg. 2 of 4 ✘ FILE NO. 39451075 THE GOOD:
✔ amicable (more or less)
✔ studious
✔ quick-thinking
✔ determined
✔ great story-teller
✔ spirited THE BAD:
✔ fake positivity aesthetic
✔ 0 to 100 real quick
✔ blunt honesty
✔ vindictive when crossed
✔ always has receipts
✔ clapback king ★ ★ ★ ★ PASTIME & HOBBIES: editing textbooks to add his own commentary, finding alternate, more creative solutions to problems, reading, speaking out about injustice, debating, reminding people of things they've said years ago, telling dramatic stories, exploring outdoors, traveling, eating, writing speeches, giving speeches, just talking in general, & working with plants. AMORTENTIA: honey, dark chocolate, sweet apples, cranberries BOGGART: failure. PATRONUS: if he could successfully conjure a corporeal one, it would be a king cobra (shocking.) BEST SUBJECT(S): Herbology, Transfiguration, Divination WORST SUBJECT(S): History of Magic, CoMC ★ ★ ★ ★ THE LIKES:
✔ being right
✔ discovering new things
✔ natural, wandless magic
✔ the moon
✔ when people think highly of him
✔ manipulation & deception
✔ having his way THE DISLIKES:
✔ being wrong
✔ people seeing through his facade
✔ getting emotional (in public)
✔ being exposed
✔ people prying into his life
✔ talking about himself
✔ authority figures
✘ PATIENT FILE - pg. 3 of 4 ✘ FILE NO. 39451075 FLUENT IN: English, Spanglish, Hyperfocusing, & Finessing-his-way-through-life. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sun - Scorpio, Moon - Aries, Ascendant - Libra TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine-Choleric MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral MBTI: ENTP PARENTS: Jacinthe Osita Júarez Dávila de Rodríguez (mother, 44)Guillermo Juliano Rodríguez Peńa (father, 50) SIBLINGS: none. OTHER RELATIVES: numerous cousins, aunts, uncles, and family friends who are basically family. PET(S): a black pug named Oscar
✘ PATIENT FILE - pg. 4 of 4 ✘ FILE NO. 39451075 jesús: the story he's allowing you to know. SPOILER!!: a brief retelling. - 29 oct. '76: you grace the world in a fit of fury, determined to make your mother's life unnecessarily difficult.
- 01 dec. '76: your parents discover that if they ignore you long enough, you'll eventually stop crying.
- 02 dec. '76: turns out, they were wrong.
- 01 jan. '77: what was once your family's favorite holiday, has now been sullied by the revelation that your father has gambled away your family's savings.
- 10 jan. '78: the beginning of your pilgrimage through various homes (of family and friends alike) throughout east harlem.
- 15 nov. '78: to your father's disappointment, you still prefer your mother's affection.
- 04 mar. '81: stray cats, it seems, are not your friends - they will never be your friends, and you aren't sure if you should continue to attempt befriending any of them.
- 05 mar. '81: el barrio is much bigger than you originally thought. you never anticipated getting lost this easily. it only takes six hours for your abuela to notice that you're gone; and when she finds you, chatting up a couple of elderly women at a bus stop, she nearly faints.
- 07 mar. '81: eight stitches later, you officially stop trying to befriend stray cats.
- 19 dec. '83: correcting a teacher in the middle of a lesson is not appropriate behavior in school. when you ask why, you're given extra homework, and have your recess privileges taken away for a month.
- 31 dec. '83: you take a sheet of paper and scribble several new year's resolutions and pin it up for everyone to see. you want to: behave more at school, turn in your homework on time, and to not question the staff around school.
- 08 jan. '84: you've crossed every single resolution off your list and have scribbled at the top of the paper: it's just not realistic.
- 13 apr. '84: you aren't bullied exactly, but your small frame gives others the impression that you can't defend yourself. the wrong person shoves you on the right day and suddenly books are flying and hitting the boy on the face and arms repeatedly. you feign amnesia, because you really can't explain what happened.
- 11 sept. '85: seems like you have a tendency to land yourself in trouble. the principal's office becomes a place of habit, even at eight years old, the staff are wary of you.
- 20 sept. '85: apparently, protesting in the classroom is frowned down upon. you are sent home with a long, long letter chronicling a discipline plan in great detail.
- 21 sept. '85: your aunt writes back a relatively short response that is curt, and full of words that you fairly certain you're not supposed to repeat out loud.
- 14 feb '86: inciting a riot over capitalism in the cafeteria is also frowned down upon. even as you're escorted - more like dragged off - to the principal's office, you are still trying to make sure everyone hears what you have to say on the matter.
- 03 jul. '86: another inexplainable incident.
- 07 jul. '86: your abuela and tías are convinced that something has taken a firm grip on your soul. they make it a point to keep a very close eye on you.
- 19 jun. '87: a representative from ilvermorny drops by on an excruciatingly hot day. over lemonade and some empanadas, they reveal that you have been accepted into their school for wizards.
- 19 jun. '87: after your mother's brief fainting spell, the representative continues the discussion on magical abilities and how it is perfectly normal for no-maj families to have magical kids.
- 19 jun. '87: you're certain that at this point, your mother is fainting on purpose.
- 01 sept. '87: the journey to ilvermorny is a strange memory that you desperately try to purge from your mind.
- 18 feb '89: it is imperative that you learn to keep your mouth completely shut when your professor is lecturing. it is imperative that you do not (see: never) question the teaching practices at ilvermorny. and, finally, it is imperative that you do not chant: liberty or death repeatedly, in the corridors, with a gaggle of students flocking behind you.
- 29 aug. '89: cutting apart newspaper articles - of the no-maj and magical sort - and pinning them along your walls becomes a force of habit.
- 31 aug. '89: unfortunately, your intolerance to cheese has not let up.
- 17 feb. '90: it's unwise to threaten to set fire to all the archaic books in the library. apparently it isn't a funny joke and will never be funny. go figure.
- 18 feb. '90: you're starting to think that detention is just code for: send jesús elsewhere, please.
- 06 may '91: dating is not your forte, but you try it out anyway.
- 08 may '91: it is unwise to simultaneously date three people (who all happen to share the same classes with you.)
- 05 nov. '91: your sixth detention into the school year makes you appreciate how simple it was before you found out you were a wizard.
- 10 jan. '92: you actually can convince people to agree with you with little to no effort. imagine that.
- 27 jul. '92: you begin to wonder if there is life outside of this very small earth.
- 09 sept. '92: it's unsurprising that people are still enamored with you. you relish in this sort of power and continue to lure others into your circle.
text font - montaga
text color - #3e6ba9
Reserved for Jesus.
__________________ Coming soon.
Last edited by Jesus Rodriguez; 05-12-2017 at 07:23 PM.