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Old 05-06-2017, 03:30 PM   #9 (permalink)
Aiden Jones

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Join Date: May 2017
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Model: Reuben Remacher
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{Wanna see the world}
Name: Aiden Jones
Age: 16
Date of Birth: February 2, 2076
Place of Birth: Iowa, United States
Blood Status: No maj descent
{Thought your dreams would be pretty}
Hair: dark brunette; grown out
Eye Color: pale blue
Height: 5”11
{When you moved to the big city}
School: Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Pukwudgie
Year: 6th
Wand: 11" Willow, Fwooper feather offset with Phoenix Feather, Rigid
Boggart: Why do you have to know?
Patronus: N/A
{Catch a train going nowhere}
Heartbeat: Music, long nature walks, his family, learning new spells
Headaches: Loud females, pretentious people, prudes
{Living for that special day}

Silent to the point of being occasionally brooding but once he opens up to someone (usually friends or family) he has got a heart of gold. It is not that he is shy, although that is the perception some get of him. Others end up thinking he is stand-offish. In a way he might be but his actions are not typically a result of not wanting to interact, it is more a case of not knowing what to say or how to appropriately display his interest in the current conversation. In many ways he can be described as socially awkward for this reason.

Being an introvert, Aiden likes having time to himself where he can reflect and regroup his thoughts. He has never been the life of the party of the center of attention and this is the way he likes it.
Small gatherings do not bother him however he can become overwhelmed when faced with large crowds of people.
Aiden has an inner passion to help others and takes a lot of joy in studies related to healing.
{Remember to smile, this is your shot}
Father: Carl Jones
Mother: Hannah Jones
Siblings: Missy Jones (14), Samwell Jones (12), Alyssa Jones (6)
{No looking back, it's the final stop}
Acres and acres of farmland, livestock, orchards and trucks; that was how Aiden Jones grew up. Being born to no maj parents, he sometimes felt the odd one out. At the age of 6 he displayed his first signs of magic, something that left his parents stunned and confused. As they did not know anyone else in the family who possessed these strange powers, it set the entire family on edge. He could not be left alone with his younger siblings and when he helped in the field, he was allowed very little stimulus to prevent any episodes of accidental magic.

Gradually he became more accepted, once they realized he had done nothing truly detrimental and his magic became less threatening.
Sometimes it would come in unexpectedly handy around the farm and once or twice had made the harvest a breeze.

By the time he was of age to attend Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his parents had become so accustomed to having him around for the extra magical help that they almost withheld him from school, however they realized it would do him wonders to be among those of his own kind and learn more about himself than they could ever hope to teach him.
While there he was sorted into the house that represents the heart of the wizard, Pukwudgie where he has since made many friends and has slowly begun to find his true passions in the world.

Last edited by Aiden Jones; 05-08-2017 at 04:01 PM.
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