Welcome to the Beetle!  The Beetle, a ruby red Volkswagen Beetle with large insect wings on either side, will be the temporary home of Ilvermorny staff and students while they are guests of Hogwarts. The vehicle came to Ilvermorny many years ago thanks to avid antique collector and former headmaster Jeremiah Seymour, who donated it to the school following his retirement. Some years after, a group of mischievous teens found the Beetle and, ironically, gave it wings, antennae, and the ability of flight. An Undetectable Extension Charm was placed on the vehicle, and it has been used for travelling purposes ever since.
Upon opening the trunk of the Beetle and climbing in, you will find yourself in a rather spacious place. It will not take you very long to forget that they are actually inside a vehicle, for within looks like the grounds of a secluded hotel. Ones trek will first take you through a green lawn that is connected to the patio hangout. To enter the building, you need only enter through the double glass doors. From within a maze of hallways can be accessed and take you to the Pukwudgie-ran coffeehouse, the rooms where the boys and girls will sleep, and a trampoline park to keep everyone healthy and having fun. ✷ _____ ✷ _____ ✷ _____ ✷ _____ ✷OOC: Welcome to the Beetle! This thread will serve the purpose of housing our Ilvermorny character biographies, so we can keep track of who is playing who over the course of this term's plot, and other good-to-know information.
Please keep the following in mind: - You may play a student from Ilvermorny in addition to your Hogwarts student. If you wish to play an Ilvermorny character in the Hogwarts RPG, you MUST post a biography for them in this thread first.
- Your Ilvermorny student can be posted in this forum; Hogwarts pupils, however, are NOT allowed. This is a private area for the staff and students of Ilvermorny. All Hogwarts students should be played elsewhere in the RPG.
- Your Ilvermorny student may be posted anywhere at Hogwarts, except for the common rooms. You may post your Ilvermorny student anywhere on the grounds, anywhere inside the castle, etc. so long as it makes sense for them to be there.
- Your Ilvermorny student must follow school rules or face the consequences. While points will not be taken from Ilvermorny students, they can still be placed in detention and/or be given other punishments for any rule breaking.
- Your Ilvermorny student is not allowed to attend Hogwarts lessons. Their own professors IC will still be teaching them (these lessons, however, will not be played out). Furthermore, this will avoid any confusion with Hogwarts students during lessons and also make it easier for the staff team to give lesson participation points OOC.
- Your Ilvermorny student must be clearly distinguished when posting them in the Hogwarts RPG. This means you are using a different colour, font, etc. than your Hogwarts character. Also, the character you are playing should match with the biography posted in this thread.
Text Cut: Ilvermorny/Wizarding America FAQ (Updated: June 2) As JKR's canon of Ilvermorny has its limitations and this is the first time Ilvermorny is an active part of the Hogwarts RPG plot, the SnitchSeeker canon of the school will be developed over the course of the term. The following are questions that members have directly asked the Hogwarts RPG Admin and the answers that various members of staff have collaboratively come up with: - What year do students from Ilvermorny take their exams? Are they similar to OWLs/NEWTs? Or something different entirely?
Ilvermorny students do NOT take the OWLs/NEWTs that students at Hogwarts do. They have their own equivalent, as many other wizarding schools do (such as Beauxbatons). Students of Ilvermorny take the JARVEY tests (Juxtaposed Assessments for Reviewing Versatile Experienced Youth) during their sixth year. This is a play on the American ACT/SAT standardized tests that are typically taken junior year of high school, similar to how the OWLs and NEWTs are a play on Britain's GCSE and A-Levels.
- Quodpot is supposed to be a largely American thing. Would they have House teams the way Hogwarts has Quidditch teams?
In America, Quodpot is to Quidditch as American Football is to Footbal (Soccer). Quodpot and Quidditch are both played at Ilvermorny and do have House teams like Hogwarts has teams for Quidditch. There is quite a fanbase in America for Quidditch (as shown by the American National Quidditch team that plays in the Quidditch World Cup and various United States League teams scattered throughout the country: the Fitchburg Finches of Massachusetts and the Sweetwater All-Stars of Texas), but it is JKR canon for Quodpot to be the more popular of the two sports.
- Were Ilvermorny students allowed to bring their familiars/pets with them to Hogwarts?
The current guests of Ilvermorny were allowed to bring TRADITIONAL familiars/pets with them (owl, cat, rat, toad, and pygmy puff). All other pets were left behind/stayed at home. The familiars/pets of Ilvermorny characters may leave the Beetle, but keep in mind that Hogwarts is not responsible for the loss or death of any animal belonging to an Ilvermorny student.
- Do students from Hogwarts and students from Ilvermorny use the same currency?
No, they do not. In the United Kingdom, wizardfolk use Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. In America, however, the currency is the Dragot and the Sprink.
- Are there prefects/HBs/HGs at Ilvermorny?
No, Ilvermorny has a Student Council instead of prefects. The council is made up of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Class Representatives. Students who wish to be on the council must apply and campaign for their desired position (elections are held in the middle of spring semester for the next school year, while 1st-year elections are held in the middle of the fall semester of the current school year). Council members serve as representatives for the school, are responsible for organizing various school-related events (e.g., homecoming, prom), and promote school spirit and leadership among students. *The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian roles are usually filled by upperclassmen; each grade has a Class Representative.
- Will the Ilvermorny students and staff be heading back to the Americas for Christmas/the holidays?
Those wishing to return home for Christmas/the holidays will have the opportunity to do so. Rather than being taken back via the Beetle, these students will be going home and returning to Hogwarts by portkey. Students wishing to stay in Britain have the choice of going home with a Hogwarts student or staying at the castle.
If you understand and agree to the information posted above, post a biography for your Ilvermorny student and play them at Hogwarts! Should you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to the Hogwarts RPG Admin (Zoe). Thank you and enjoy! Text Cut: Original post  Ilvermorny BiographiesThis term staff and students from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be guests at Hogwarts to participate in the International Magical Pupil Standoff (IMPS). These visitors will be arriving to the castle IC in October (within the next OOC week). So what does this mean for you? This term everyone will be allowed to play a second character, someone from Ilvermorny, in the Hogwarts RPG. If you wish to play an Ilvermorny character in the Hogwarts RPG, you MUST post a biography for them in this thread first.
Below are some important details to keep in mind: - You may play ONE Ilvermorny character. Once you post their biography in this thread, that is the character you must stick with for the rest of the term. Furthermore, the Ilvermorny headmistress as well as History of Magic and Potions professors will be played for plot purposes.
- Your Ilvermorny character must be a STUDENT. Your character's House, gender, age, etc. is entirely up to you. You are permitted at use an existing Ilvermorny student or you may create one.
- Your Ilvermorny student will not be selected to compete in IMPS. We will have red accounts in place with anonymous members (selected non-Hogwarts staff) playing them throughout the term.
- Your Ilvermorny student will not have access to the common rooms. A special forum will be made just for them to reside in while they are at Hogwarts, and the rest of the castle will be open to them for interaction purposes.
- Your Ilvermorny student is not allowed to attend Hogwarts lessons. Their own professors IC will still be teaching them (these lessons, however, will not be played out). Furthermore, this will avoid any confusion with Hogwarts students during lessons and also make it easier for the staff team to give lesson participation points OOC.
- Your Ilvermorny student must be clearly distinguished when posting them in the Hogwarts RPG. This means you are using a different colour, font, etc. than your Hogwarts character. Also, the character you are playing should match with the biography posted in this thread.
If you understand and agree to the information posted above, go ahead and post a biography for your Ilvermorny student! Should you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to the Hogwarts RPG Admin (Zoe).