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Daniel smiled as Rayna said she would go exploring with him, how great was that. "I wonder if this place has any dungeons, you see you hide down there for weeks without anyone finding you." Daniel was already thinking about things that he could do. "Like you could have a midnight feast and unless someone knows where you are heading then I'm sure that by time they find out where you had been the sun would be up and you, yourself would have been long gone."
Rayna chuckled a little and gave Silvano one last pat before he took off. Hopefully not to pester the critters in the valley below.
"How much do you know about Hogwarts?" She asked Daniel, looking at the boy from the corner of her eyes.
She swept her strawberry blonde hair away from her face; the wind was really doing a number on it from up on the bridge.
"My brothers mentioned a room that's hidden away." Rayna pursed her lips a little while she tried to remember-
"They never told me exactly where it was, though. So maybe they never found it, either." Go figure. The one bit of information Rayna could really use right now, and her brothers decided not to divulge it to her.
"Some of our study books may have more information on it. Or in the library, even."
Studying. Pah! Perhaps she could put that on hold for a little longer. Rayna had time to worry about her career life when she was older.