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Silvano let out a shriek of a hoot at the sudden sound of another students' voice. Rayna turned and spotted Daniel headed towards her, and tilted her head a little curiously, "Exploration party?" She smoothed down her owls ruffled feathers. "I was just headed to drop off my creature companions slip." The girl thought for a moment and gave a small smile, "But I could go for a little exploring. It'd be good to get more familiar with this place."
She hadn't exactly gotten lost heading anywhere yet, but aside from a few classrooms, her houses common room, and the Great Hall, her mental map of the school wasn't where she'd like it to be.
Daniel smiled as Rayna said she would go exploring with him, how great was that. "I wonder if this place has any dungeons, you see you hide down there for weeks without anyone finding you." Daniel was already thinking about things that he could do. "Like you could have a midnight feast and unless someone knows where you are heading then I'm sure that by time they find out where you had been the sun would be up and you, yourself would have been long gone."