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It was becoming habit that Rooney was lugging six prospectuses around in his satchel, either for light reading or to go over with someone seriously. It was a difficult decision to make about where to study, and there was a lot of factors coming to light over recent months where he should be location-wise. But then, there was his struggle with what subject specifically. He had already nixed History of Magic as an option for the extended future and planned to study that once more when he was in his thirties or forties, when he felt he had enough experience to understand the decisions made instead of being relatively naive. Roo didn't see a problem with people studying History of Magic straight after Hogwarts, but for him it wasn't a perfect fit.
The only other subjects he loved enough and felt comfortable enough to continue were Charms and Herbology. The latter being the reason for his visit today to Professor Myers. For locations and to get him to persuade him to choose this subject. Fight for your subject, Myers.
Roo knocked, and waited.
If Rooney was looking for a professor to fight for his or her subject's place in that student's life, Myers was the wrong professor, alas.
But Paul wasn't aware of Rooney's need for persuasion today. No, he heard the boy's knock to his meeting space's door and opened it with a broad grin. "
Ah, Rooney Bronwyn. Yes, please come inside!" he said cheerfully as he closed the door behind the boy. The floor light up as they walked over the smooth tiles. It still tripped him up slightly. THE LIGHTS. RA.
"The couch just over there if this will be a bit of a discussion-" he gestured with a nod of his head.
"But to what do I owe this pleasure?" Rooney seemed serious.
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The boy smiled and walked inside. "It's pretty cool. I can honestly say i've never seen anything like it." That was the truth. Lightening floors weren't something in everyone's office. Oliver applauded the tap dance. "Nice moves."
He walked toward the sofa and took a seat. "Alice? She's great.. Off filming her movie. She's pretty excited about it. You know how she felt about school." And by that Oliver meant she hated it. He knew his sister loved Hogwarts as a place but she never cared much for academics. "But, Professor i cam to ask you if you know anything about the harvesting of wood for wandmaking..
if you don't i understand. I guess i'm just anxious to learn all that i can."
Paul snorted.
"You flatter me. My moves are mediocre, and you know it," he scoffed playfully.
"I want my meeting space to be FUN and INTERESTING. Else conversations would be BORING and vastly under-stimulating. And that is neither fun for ME or...you, the student." He said with a grin.
The professor had no idea Alice hated school. Apparently she WAS a very good actress, because he had actually been under the impression that she LOVED school AND his class. She had always done relatively well? Paul sat down on the plushy cough and nodded. "
Well, I hope she is happy and still going to finish schooling. It's quite important."
"I uh...well, I can't say I'm much help other than knowing a bit about the trees' unkeep and whatnot. So harvesting..would be a no." He sighed.
"I'm sorry..." ..."However, I may have a helpful book?"
How Ravenclaw of him.