Potions Lesson #1
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05-05-2017, 12:45 PM
Potions Lesson #1
The normal greenish glow of the dungeons seem to glow a bit brighter today as if it was reflecting some of the sunlight from outside somehow. The classroom is a comfortable even for the September weather. The workstations are sat up in their normal way four people per table, not that it was relevant to the lesson today. Labs coats, were hanging right as you walk in, if you wanted one they were there. On workstation was a parchment, quill, and two vitals one has a clear liquid and the other has a white sandy dust substance in the other. They will find out what was in them soon enough.
Professor Canterbury had the doors wide open. Standing near the door slipped on her own lab coat and walked around the classroom. Checking to see it was all ready to go and that each spot had what was needed for the lesson. She moved back behind her desk and to took a seat as she waited for the students to come in. Come right on in and take a seat the lesson be being getting started
Lesson progression:
Greeting and Question
Responses and Experiment
Stuff here and Question
Answers and Invisibility Potion
OOC: Please make sure you're familiar with
Professor Canterbury’s rules
as well as the
SS site rules
before posting. Please remember this IC this is not the first lesson of the term.
Class will continue in a little over 24 hours time (May 6 around 9am EST)
Thanks for coming! Class has officially started so please keep the chatting to a minimum. If you haven't posted your charrie in here and want to, please feel free to jump right in and pretend as though they've been here the entire time.
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