Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Yes, we saw that smile Kaysha. Camilla nodded once. "It certainly is. Only time will tell for sure." Just as she knew what her cousin meant she knew the other women would know exactly what she was speaking about as well. "Good evening, Keiyona. Ready to get this term underway?" she smiled at the Astronomy professor. She knew how nervous she had been at the start of last term. Gaston got a warm smile from her as he joined the dais. "Thank you again for cat sitting for me. Bonsai seemed to have a wonderful time with you and Phantom, I think he was slightly confused upon returning home and not seeing his friend." Poor cat had looked so lost for a few days following coming home!
Speaking of her summer trip, Camilla turned her attention towards Laurel when she asked about it. "It was wonderful. If us girls go on another weekend trip you should join us," she replied smiling. "In fact all us ladies should get together and plan something." That could be really nice, having all the female staff together for a camping trip or something like that. It was a whole year away though so it wasn't something she would focus much on as of now.
Camilla smiled warmly at Paul's arrival. The man always made her smile with his happiness and welcoming ways. His mix up on some of their colleagues names made her laugh softly and she sent a wave to him because clearly he had NOT seen her and that's why she didn't get a personal greeting, yes? Yes. That had to be the reason.
Was that Hirsch? It was. The Transfiguration professor smiled brushing a stray lock of brown hair from her face. "More then ready to get this term underway. How were your travels over the summer?" she had heard about his adventuring but didn't know much more then that.
Just as she thought the Headmistress should be arriving soon the women walked through the doors of the Great Hall. "Good evening, Regina," she greeted warmly from her spot down at the end of the table. Hopefully the women had been able to hear her as she didn't want to shout over anyone else.
There was Rose. "Thank you, Rose. That color is gorgeous on you." She smiled taking a quick look up and down the table. Everyone looked really nice tonight honestly. Haraldur, Kalen and Tristan all got a friendly smile and wave from her as the three men took their sits. "Good evening, River," Cami greeted the Healer with her usual smile. "Thank you again for that compass, it did come in handy on the camping trip." It had been a thoughtful gift that she appreciated very much while being out in the middle of nowhere during the summer with both Rose and Kay. "Hello, Ciara," she smiled giving a little wave in return as the women sat between Kay and herself. "Are you ready for the start of the term?" Just some simply friendly conversation before Regina gave her speech.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |