SPOILER!!: Jason
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Jason slipped into the Gryffindor House Table after his sorting into his house. Gryffindor. I'm a Gryffindor. It was a surreal feeling, despite the fact that he truly didn't know what it meant. What about him made him a Gryffindor? Only time would tell.
He looked up at the girl to his right (Shay), whom had been sorted shortly before him. She looked a little old to be eleven, and it confused Jason as to why she was being sorted. However, he did sit next to her, but she seemed with conversation with two other girls.
He glanced across the table. Everyone seemed to be talking. He looked at himself in his platter. It was silver and polished to the point where he could easily see his reflection. Well, he thought to himself. Time for a new beginning. No one knows me here. I can be whoever I want.
Shay noticed someone approach in her peripheral vision. It was a boy, presumably a first year, that she had seen during the sorting ceremony. She turned her attention to him because newbies had to stick together, right.
"Hello there. I remember you from the sorting. My name's Shay. Looks like we're going to be housemates." That was stating the obvious, but whatever.
"This is all pretty overwhelming, but it looks like we got sorted into a good house." SPOILER!!: Melbourne
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That train ride was quite possibly one of the most awkward moments Melbourne Sorin-Ward had ever endured. It wasn’t because she had had to explain her entire premise on dating and going steady not being the same thing, because they weren’t the same thing at all. It was more because of the fact that for half of the train ride she had ended up looking like the bride of Frankenstein with the overly teased bouffant hair…it was an accident of course, all due to her little Pygmy puffs making a nest in the failed attempt at a braid that the Gryffindor fifth year had attempted to create.
Sure, now she looked decent but that was only due to the hard work of one Hadley Denaker. That girl needed serious props for her braid-fixing skills. That girl, her bestie was a literal godsend.
Nearing the table, her table all Mel could do was grin when she spotted her friends and housemates. ”Hey Levi, hey Ava…oh Ava, here I have something for you” she smiled as she placed a little tin next to the taller Gryffindor girl…seriously was everyone taking growth potions or something? Mel grinned whens he spotted Noelle and gave her friend a wave, ”Noelle! Hey! You look amazing!” she grinned at her before placing a small tin next to her friend – merlin she was like goddess level beautiful seriously.
Mel turned to Dora when she was walking by her – ”Hey Dora, how was your summer?” she asked a kind smile on her face still she couldn’t help beam when she spotted Sammy.
”Sammy!? Where have you been I looked for you on the train and everything!” Mel sighed as she made her way over to the brunette girl and her GryffinBestie and dormmate…where had this girl been? Mel knew she needed to talk with Sammy after well….everything that had happened over the summer because well, it wasn’t like anything that had transpired had been planned or anything. ”Here Sam, I made these for you” she smiled as she placed a tin with Sammy’s name artfully enchanted onto it. The glinting metal almost looked fluid as she placed the box of treats on the table.
Mel looked over when she heard Levi saying hello to Sammy. ”Its…a bit of a girl cluster at this table isn’t it?” she asked looking over at Levi as really he and Lance were practically the only boys there…well, except for Theo and Theo was just cute. Cute in that oh look it’s a tiny second year kind of cute. Still, Mel gave Theo a kind smile when she looked over to him, ”Hey Theo…” she had after all heard his name in the common rooms the previous year when he was a fresh faced first year….oh! looooook! One of their first sorters!
”Hey welcome to Gryffindor!” Mel cheered over to both Shayla and Jason as they joined the table. Her eyes expressing nothing but pure happiness at being back in this possibly deadly place.
Oooh and they got an enthusiastic welcome.
"Thanks", Shay said to the nearby girl
"I am definitely glad to be here.". Determined to meet as many of her housemates as possible, the sixth year added,
"I'm Shay by the way." Too far away to extend a hand, she just gave a little wave.
SPOILER!!: Tenacius
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Tenacius got held up at the Common Room for a bit-- GRYFFINDOR business ya know. But suffice it to say, there's an extra bounce in his step and the brightest of smiles graced his features. Opening Feasts are fun, but he cant wait to lead his housemates back up the Common Room later.
Sorting has started, and with well steeled excitement he watched the proceedings....
Two lion cubbies for them huzzah! Well one wasnt that much of a cubbie-- a lioness more likely. The Curly Top finally neared the table just as the other two settled into their seats "Welcome to Gryffindor!!" he beamed, clasping hands and shaking it happily. "Just a quick word-- after the feast, please follow me and Noelle--"-- he gestured at his fellow Prefect "-- immediately to our common room, there are some reminders we have to orient newcomers on." Plus something else. But then thats also for all Lions.
While the Sorting Hat was yet to send more Gryffindors their way, Tenacius took a look around-- and spotted his cousin all the way down the table "Sammy why are you there?" Is she moping? She is moping. Is this a monthly thing because he still didnt know what the heck he's supposed to do when girls go nuts because of monthly things.
But at least Mel was there. He smiled at his childhood bestie and lingered at her for a moment, before squeezing her shoulder and proceeded with the other Gryffindors. Seemed like a passing gesture to the uninitiated, but theres a lot of feelings in that one squeeze.
"Hey Noelle! Levi thanks!" at least theres two of them thats there to welcome the wave of Lions to the table "Ava how're you doin'? " because it felt like forever since he chatted with his old Gryffindor prankster bud. "Aslan, Lance! Good to see you both." busy seventh years are busy he figured, but he appreciated that they decided to join them "How you doin' Theo! Dora, glad to see you here."
Aaaand double take. Well now here's a blue in a sea of red "Jessa Cambridge..." yeah he knew her from afar but its only now that they get to have like some face time yknow "-- glad to see you here." he smiled.
And another welcome. Gryffindors certainly seemed to be a friendly lot. Oh and this one also had the badge of authority. Shayla took his hand as it was offered and listened to what he was telling her.
"Thank you. It's nice to meet you. I'm Shay and I guess I'll see you after the feast." New student orientation. Well ok then. She was becoming more and more excited about the coming year.
Shay looked around the table. It was quickly filling up with students. More people to meet. How would she ever learn all of thre names? Suddenly she felt her stomach growl. She
was rather hungry. In the excitement of the moment, she had kind of ignored the feeling. Hopefully they would get to eat soon.