Anyone can Claim Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd Zarina had a not so bad train ride. She encountered a nice group of people, she didn't talk much because she didn't want to embarrass herself. She could be socially awkward sometime. Only her cat made a grand entrance. Minka was an attention hog thats for sure. She left her trunk on the train along with Minka and now it was her time to go to the feast. She opened the doors and found the great hall semi empty. The newly second year thought she might be early. Well more options for her to find her seat. She scanned and saw there was a second years area. She sat down and twiddled her thumbs.
The second year slytherin began to look around the great hall. This was the first time she was here ever. She was in awe. She saw the architecture and even saw the staff table at the front. All the teachers seemed pretty nice. The big chair right smack dab in the middle was empty. Huh...guess the headmistress wasn't here yet. Her nose was smelling the awesome food wafting from the kitchens. Her stomach rumbled in protest. She massaged it and told it to hush. She would have food soon enough.
Zarina saw her fork and thought of a game she could play. Zae took it and began to see how many times she could flick it. What else was she supposed to do before the food? There was no one here to talk yet. Zae was the new girl, she didn't know anyone.
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