Thread: SS: A Future Revealed
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Old 05-01-2017, 06:21 PM   #375 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Marcus Briody Cole

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Sixth Year
x8 x8
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

All his ideas were fun?

Benny nearly snorted hard enough to threaten fire at that. Sure the part on things growing on him was true…for the most part. But there were other points he’d be willing to give Adi a hard time about. Even if it was just to play with him just as his fiance teased him along the way. “I’m a glutten for punishment,” he remarked at first, letting his face appear normal like it was the whole truth when it wasn’t. “And because I love you too much,” he added after a dramatic pause.

Hearing the answer he was given to Adi’s thoughts, he couldn’t help but give one of his rarer full smiles, quite pleased. “Uh huh…it’s certainly going to be.” Two graduated best friends living their lives together forever and ever with friends, loved ones and kids around them. The dragon let his gaze follow Adi's for several moments before speaking up once more.“Shall we move on to the final property?” Benny asked, figuring to round it out soon so they can enjoy their picnic lunch before too long.
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