Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee She couldn't believe that it was that time of year again. Summer had gone by so fast. For her, this summer wasn't the greatest, the only good thing about this summer was the fact that she had gotten married to the love of her life after being together for ten years. Next summer her and Donovan would be putting on a big wedding celebration because they sort of got eloped in Barcelona. Oops. At least their families weren't angry with them so that was a good. Keiyona took a deep breath and made her way into the Great Hall. This was a bit different than Uagadou School of Magic. She was expecting this and Donovan and Liesl were telling her all about Hogwarts. Kei made her way towards the staff table with a smile on her face. She was always a happy person so if there wasn't a smile on her face or she didn't look like she was happy to be somewhere there was a problem. She's also a hugger so beware of her hugs. She knew that if she had attended Hogwarts while she was still in school she would have been in Hufflepuff.
As Keiyona finally made it to the staff table she smiled at everyone, it was a genuine smile, she was very honored to be teaching here and there was no way she was going to forget that. She knew this was the job of a lifetime. Her golden brown eyes looked around and the fell upon another knew staff member. "Hello Kalen." her eyes kept scanning for some other people, she was going to greet everyone. They fell on the blonde Divinations professor whose seat was right next to hers. "Hello Laurel." joy was heard in her Ugandan accent. Who else was still here. She was just so happy that she wasn't messing up anyone's name so far.
This was a good thing for her because she might have studied everyone's name and what subject they were teaching. "Good evening, Ciara." she smiled with a little nod to the Potions professor. "Hello Kaysha." That was the woman that had the same nickname as her just spelled differently. There were the other two new professors besides herself. "Hello Tristan and Haraldur." more joy was in her tone of voice. With that she only had one other person to greet. "Good evening, Camilla." after she greeted her she walked over to her seat at the other end of the table.
__________________ maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive  maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Last edited by MuggleDinosaur; 04-30-2017 at 03:02 PM.