erik is a nerd Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot* Tejashree stepped onto the middle car since it seemed more empty than the rest. She wasn't quite ready to be bombarded with "new girl" questions. You know, assuming there was going to be some.
The fifteen year-old chewed on her shirt collar as she looked for a worthy compartment. She had lost Jagan somewhere in the crowd. Hopefully, she'd show up soon. She stepped into a compartment and plopped herself on a seat, closing the door behind her.
Teddy caught her reflection in the train window. Her wild, curly hair was frizzing up from all the moist in the air. This weather was quite the opposite than the one back at home. The temperatures would be favorable at 35 degrees celsius. Being here was like suddenly coming to Antarctica.
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