Emma Watson attended the world premiere of her upcoming tech-thriller
The Circle at the Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday evening in New York City, and along with the rest of the cast, the actress had a bit of a
Harry Potter reunion with Bonnie Wright, whom she invited to the red carpet gala.
A member of the press at the event was lucky enough to grab a photo of the two actors chatting at the premiere, which can be seen below. More shots of Emma with her The Circle costars Tom Hanks, Patton Oswalt, Karen Gillan, and more, can be seen here.
When Mae (Emma Watson) is hired to work for the world’s largest and most powerful tech & social media company, she sees it as an opportunity of a lifetime. As she rises through the ranks, she is encouraged by the company’s founder, Eamon Bailey (Tom Hanks), to engage in a groundbreaking experiment that pushes the boundaries of privacy, ethics and ultimately her personal freedom. Her participation in the experiment, and every decision she makes begin to affect the lives and future of her friends, family and that of humanity.
In theaters April 28, 2017