04-23-2017, 11:32 AM
Outside Healer Reed's Office Perpendicular to the Patient’s Check-in Area is a smaller antechamber where healthy students, professors, and other visitors can wait for the Healer before they are admitted to his office. Inside this antechamber, more comfortable seating in chocolate brown has been provided, and around it are plants that give off a relaxing scent. Journals and magazines about Health and Fitness, as well as the latest publications about Potions, are neatly laid out on the coffee table for light reading.
Healer Reed is a very busy man, but he’s known to make time for his colleagues and students for a quick chat, or tea. Knock on the door, and make yourself comfortable while you wait for the Healer to let you in. OOC: Please post your characters arriving here, and wait for Healer Reed to invite you in. This thread is meant for healthy students and staff only. Those who are moderate to severely ill or injured must report to the Patient's Check-In Area.