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Old 04-22-2017, 02:56 AM
SarcasticStrawberry SarcasticStrawberry is offline
Default Potions Laboratory

Thanks to Bre for the graphic!

The potions laboratory is right next to the potions storeroom, it looks exactly like the potions classroom. Small in size there's a door connecting to the storeroom. To the right are cabinets that you can find common ingredients, don't worry about bring your own equipment (unless you desire too). They are in stored in the cabinets too on either side of the room. Just remember to clean before AND after you use any of the equipment. On the left are potions textbooks, other potions books and magazines. On the back wall hanging up are small portraits of the former Potion Professors of Hogwarts dating far back into time with a small bio about them and the potioneering career. At the front of the room are posted sign in sheet, and list of ingredients and other info as well as classroom rules and laboratory rules. Keep in mind there are rules to that must be followed while you are in the laboratory:
1. Please sign in: Include Name, Year, House, and what potion you will be working on.
2. Try not to make a mess but if you do please clean up after yourself, I'm not your house elf, maid or mother.
3. Try not to break anything
4. If you use any equipment, clean it before and after you use it. AND put it back where you found it. That goes for unused ingredients and books too.
5. The Laboratory will be open at all times, except for after hours., I reserve the right to lock the lab at any time.
6. Have fun and enjoy potions is a hands on subject. This is a place you to practice and lean and better you knowledge.
OOC: This is NOT a class. No classes will be held here. This thread is for role-playing and fun, and will remain open all term long. You just RP your character signing the notebook and get to having fun!