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Old 04-19-2017, 05:44 PM   #126 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Sep 2010
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❆ Haraldur Ingimar Njord Baldvinsson ❆

Credit: Bre at The Right Partner
Face claim: Roger Pontare
Color: #A80000 Font:

❆ Basics

Full name: Haraldur Ingimar Njord Baldvinsson.
Date of Birth: 7th of December 2027.
Age: Age is just a number (65).

Current employment: Groundskeeper & Flying Instructor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Previous employment: Ranger at the east coast of Longyearbyen, Svalbard.

Place of Birth: Longyearbyen, Svalbard. (Norway)
Current Residence: Groundkeeper’s Hut, Hogwarts.
Ancestry: Pureblood.
Etnicity: Norwegian & Icelandic.
Languages spoken: Norwegian, Icelandic, English and Swedish to some extent.

Wand: 11 3/4 inches Cedar wood, dragon heartstring, unyielding.
Patronus: Polar Bear.
Boggart: Classified.
Amortentia: Classified.

❆ Appearance

Height: With or without feathers? (1.98m ; 6'5)
Weight: Hey now.
Hair: Very funny.
Eye color: Blue.

❆ Academics

School: Durmstrang Institute.
Class of: 2045.
Best Subject: Flying & Ancient Runes.
Weakest Subject: Arithmancy & Muggle Studies.

❆ Personality

Type: ESTP – “The Entrepreneur“

Strengths: Adventurous. Fair. Daring. Sentimental.
Weaknesses: Absentminded. Intense. Forgetful. Paranoid.

Likes: The outdoors. Solicity. Snowflakes. Big fur coats and red feathers.
Dislikes: Summer. People crying. Disobediance. Comments about his feathers.

Family: None to speak of.
Marital Status: No.


Personal History: TBA
Childhood: TBA
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